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Scott / Sofia goes through her morning beauty routine and meets up the mysterious Jessica at the old factory...

Half Sisters, Episode 9 is here along with a bonus pinup (you may want to download for the full size)! 😀

Thank you to everyone for the well-wishes. I'm feeling phenomenally better now. You are all the best.

Anyway, I really loved creating this episode. I wanted to show everything Scott is going through getting used to presenting himself as female to the world. What is that doing to his psyche as he gets used to everyone seeing him as a beautiful, busty girl?

And, of course, the plot deepens with Jessica! I can't wait to hear what you think...

As always, thank you so much for your support. 💖




Always worth the wait. So exquisite. The emotion you can capture through the medium is incredible. (plus page 8 will always get me)

Alyson Greaves

This story only gets more interesting! Scott/Sandy/Sofia (poor kid's had almost as many names as I have!) musing that things might be easier with a completely different face is a fascinating detail. Thoroughly entertained that Jessica and Emily both picked the same top for their amateur sleuthing. And, something I noticed when reading through prior to this new episode: the environmental detail in all of Half Sisters is *really* good. Everyone looks like they belong where they're standing, if that makes sense! It really helps sell the reality. (Edit: "Did you ever meet someone who completely changed who you thought you were?" "Y—yes I have, actually." Pardon me, but eeeeee that was so cute! Josh was sweet and I love that thoughts of him are never far away.)

France Day

A sequence of great sensuality, a Sofia of great beauty and a scenario that arouses our curiosity by this mystery arising from this atypical meeting in an equally atypical place. Very good job of inspiration and balance on all fronts, thank you EA.

Ella Cherry

Great chapter! I’m hooked!

Alison St John

I love how much you always produce a sinister undertone to your stories that keep you guessing where the story is going to turn, loving this story so much Emory x


I just knew you'd dig that panel, Arty! I've been thinking about doing an entire comic in "POV" mode...


That's so sweet, Alison, thank you. I want Half Sisters to be a bit of a romp, but, yes, there are also darker undertones. And I think "small towns" are a perfect place to explore that dichotomy.


You're welcome, France. You always have such a unique and beautiful way of expressing your appreciation. Thank you so much!


Aly, thank you so, so much for your lovely and heartwarming words. I'm especially happy that you enjoyed it enough to comment! And, LOL! I was wondering if anyone would notice that Jessica and Emily are wearing the same shirt. I'm also glad that you noticed the environmental detail, because I honestly put a lot of time and effort into that aspect of the art. I want the characters to look and feel as real as they do in my head. ❤️ Oh, and thank you for noticing that little line of dialogue. I don't want to give too much away, but I can tell you that Josh isn't gone forever!

stacy C

The plot thickens.....wonder what Jessica will show our heroine ? x

Jessica Thence

I honestly didn't see that coming. Sensual, but also a legitimately good story. Looking forward to finding out what happened!

Jessica Thence

A very enjoyable situation, and I legitimately didn't see the ending coming! Well done!