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Just messing around with a new hairstyle for Jill, but I liked how cute she looked!



France Day

She's beautiful, she's Jill; the girl from the beach. Excellent EA


Tormenting me with irresistible Reface material...

Tiki D



She works really well on Reface! Hehe. Feel free to create for your own, um, PERSONAL use. πŸ˜‰

stacy C

Like it.....but please tell her to shave her arms haha x


She's gorgeous😍


She's breathtaking!

Erica Rost

She is very cut as that !

Larry Talbot

Yes, keep the new hairdo. I'd also love to see more corruption by her friend's hand. Permanent tattoos and a few more piercings. Then go all the way with even smoking cigarettes, long slim lady cigarettes would be awesome.

Emily Morgan

I prefer this look myself


Thanks so much, Larry! We'll have to see how far down the path of corruption Jill goes!

Jessica Thence

She looks like Elizabeth Olsen. https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/eSZNVlWCDHsP-VwjrRJrRf3EN48/0x24:2000x2024/fit-in/500x500/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2020/05/13/045/n/1922398/e8decc595ebc8b217b9262.72649682_/i/Elizabeth-Olsen.jpg

Jessica Thence

Ha! That is high praise! I have a huge crush on Elizabeth Olsen, but I suppose I have a crush on Jill too!