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Hello Everyone!

I'm excited that Part 28 will mark the end of "Phase 7" of Jack & Jill

This was the longest phase to date, with 28 parts and over 400 panels. Wow!  Jack & Jill is a ten-part story -- like the ten phases of the moon -- so while we're not quite at the end, we're getting there. That's pretty incredible, considering I began work on the comic in the summer of 2017. Talk about a journey!

With that said, I want to give a heads up: Jack & Jill will be on hiatus for the next few months. This is typically what I do after a "phase"  is complete. A break gives me a chance to recharge my creative batteries for Jack & Jill, plan the next phase, and explore other stories.

Instead, I'll be releasing two episodes of Half Sisters. In addition, I'll be remastering and continuing a story I've always wanted to return to one day: Homecoming!

(attached below)

I've long been intrigued by the story of a man who was transformed but managed to make it home. How do you recover from an experience like that? Can a lover truly come to terms with what you've become?

The reason for the remaster of Homecoming instead of only continuing the story is, well, my skills have improved quite a bit since I first started, and the story deserves better treatment.

I'm incredibly grateful for your support, and I hope you enjoy what comes next! 💖

- Emory



How much of your success as creator you attribute to Jack And Jill?


Oh, gosh. What a good question, dov. When I set out to make Jack & Jill, I wanted to create the TG comic I always wished I could read. I'd only rarely seen a slow "realistic" transformation coupled with the psychological ramifications of someone forcibly changing your gender. Jack & Jill was a story that started out simply, but grew in complexity as I began to know the characters. As the story expanded, I was compelled to improve my art as a means of telling the story I was envisioning. This, in turn, let me explore OTHER stories in this genre. But it all started with Jack & Jill and a desire to tell this story. So, really, I attribute almost everything to Jack & Jill -- at least as an origin story! ❤️


Thank you for your answer mate! I saw the blog versia of j&j for years before i figured out there is more to it in your page. Slow TF is a favourite, really hard to find and really expensive to create, let alone implement the psychological aspects, panel after panel. Can't wait to see what you have next


Thank you for the question! 😀 Agreed! Slow TF is my favorite kind, but it's very, very rare. Now, there's nothing wrong with a quick, process-y transformation (I enjoy my fantasy genre Dawnlands stories), but to me there's something really exquisite about a gradual alteration from male to female.

Phil G

would it b possible to make a single pdf of the story?

Ella Cherry

Oh great! I love homecoming! ❤️


Ah. I've tried but unfortunately it comes out to about 10 GB! 😲 However, I've been thinking about at least combining the phases into one download each. What do you think?


Story has pizzazz Partner seeing him or her with different body sexuality . Transgendered nude exposed hoping for acceptance . Emory love how beautiful your characters are after transgendered .


Really looking forward to the continuation of Homecoming


Are we possibly going to see more of Madison in the coming phases? I really liked her dynamic with Jill!


Thanks, Ken! I loved her dynamic with Jill, too! Yes, Madison is certainly not gone from the story for good. ❤️

France Day

Excellent story, this "homecoming" premise has a soul. It was a beautiful trip. Thanks EA.


Thank you so much, France! Can't wait for the remaster and continuation. I think it'll be fun!


Give the link plese