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Phew! This one was a fun challenge. 😀

At 19 pages (!), it's a double-issue, but I had a particular ending in mind -- especially since the next episode is the last of Phase 7(!) -- and I had to tell a lot of story to tell.

Thank you so much to everyone who voted in the story poll. I truly love how many of you care for the characters and the story, and your comments mean so much for me. Reading what you think of each issue is a great way to get more inspired. Your support really helps keep me going and striving for quality!

I'll always try to make each story new and fresh, with different characters and new challenges for them, but I also want to make sure the story stays true to the characters you love -- and to make new characters you'll love, too! 💖

 Anyway, enough rambling. I hope you enjoy this issue of Jack & Jill!



Alison St John

Oh my goodness Emory, the mind games are incredible, we can't be certain whether or not Jill had sex, is this all a ploy to convince her that the barriers are falling down and her will power is draining away, I know Jill was unwilling to consent to this in her true state of mind but under the influence anything could've happened, you wouldn't put it past these devious people having a bit of creative manipulation to make Jill think this happened, why not show her a video, why still photographs.....intriguing x

Tiki D

Jill is trying to deined that she didn't have sex and not enjoy it, but she did.

Tiki D

Jill's sexual desires were just to strong at this point even if it was a setup.

Tiki D

Despite the pill and getting drunk, Jill did enjoy the sex on the outside than on the inside.

Tiki D

Jill part of her brain really took over Jack part of her brain to be free and let loose.

Tiki D

What was Jill's worst surprise in her life?

Erica Rost

Hey Jill just had her first experience with a handsome boy!


Only one complaint. Wish we had a shot of madison and jill sharking a kiss, a real lovers kiss, while they both got railed from behind. You teased it, though ;)

Tiki D

Emory, I was wondering is the next part going to see more of Jill's memories of having sex with Grant to her brother-in-law from last night?


Oh my goodness! How did I not think of this? You’re right! I seriously might make that panel tonight and insert it into the comic. ❤️


Will Jill get a vaginoplasty somewhere in the story to finish her transition?

Empty Dubya

Why the redness around Jill's navel in the last few parts?


This is the critical question, Rex! It’s on the table and it’s pretty obvious Xu has that planned for her. Will is actually happen? Well, lots of people hope it will, while others hope it won’t. What is your preference?

stacy C

Wow our girl has gone X rated hehe x


I believe Jill, they are not real, can't be. 😭. How did we fo from 396 (part 26) to 458?


❤️❤️❤️ I mean, faking these images IS totally something Xu might do. After all, thinking she’d already “done the deed” might open to the idea later… 😉


How come Part 27 started with page 458 when part 26 last was 396?


By the way, the pinup image is fabulous. Jill expression in page 468 makes you want to hug her and comfort her. She looks so sad but so beautiful at the same time.


Thank you so much, Pelican!!! And, aww! Hugging Jill would be a real pleasure. ❤️


458 was the “scene name," not the page number. I will have to rename them for myself. 💖

France Day

Jill's erotic future now resides on Xu's will, it seems the frontier of lustful pleasures is open for our voluptuous Jill. Very nice sequence, EA


Poor Jill loses her "virginity"... and can't remember it. That has got to suck!


While also giving her an excuse (or is it!?) to disbelieve what Davis has shown her... 😀 Hehe. Thanks, Bowie!

Ella Cherry

I have to confess that I hated the poll results for this one, I thought it was way out of character. So I was worried… but Emory, you’re really an awesome storyteller ! You totally made it work, and again I loved the chapter! ❤️

Alison St John

I am so happy to see this response, I also found the poll as regards the outcome not to my satisfaction, the beautiful part of how Emory paces the storyline is how this story has evolved. why all of a sudden would things change so swiftly, I know a lot of this is manipulation but it's also about the hidden strength of the Jack/Jill character and to see that dissolve so quickly is an injustice to the character traits Emory has created, I personally would prefer we let Emory tell this story the way it was meant to be, I understand the position Emory placed themselves in but I thought it was a clever way to put doubt into what truly happened......

Ella Cherry

I totally agree with you, but after this one, I’m trusting Emory decisions even more!


TGTrinity, excellent work, love it. I, too, agree about the comments on the poll. You stick to your ideas, everything is written wonderfully, so I see no reason for polls. PS. My only problem is David. That character needs pain, a lot of pain.


Thank you so much, Ella and Alison! Like I said, this one was challenging, but in the end I'm happy with how everything developed. I am so glad you are, too!

Larry Talbot

I'd say just go all the way, at this point, it's a slippery slope and no going back.

Larry Talbot

I'd say he (she?) needs that tat to be permanent and splurge and get a nose piercing. :o)


Aw, thank you, Andre!!! I really appreciate your support and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story. That is my #1 goal. 💖💖💖 You're the best!