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Nikki and her Mom decide how to handle her feminization at the hands of Mr. Hutchinson and his son Zach...

Today we have 15 new pages of Nikki! 😀

Be warned, our pretty young "lady" has a bit of a mouth on her. Seems like it'll be awhile before her inside matches her lovely exterior!

The next Half Sisters will be focused on Scott / Sofia. I'm looking forward to getting back to her story, as well.

Can't wait to hear what you think of this episode! 💖

P.S. A reader asked about the timeline, so let me clarify (sometimes I try to be too clever): The idea is that so far all 5 episodes of Half Sisters has been Nikki telling her story to Scott/Sofia the night they met. That’s why we cut back to them at towards the end of this episode. 🙂

P.P.S. I’m oddly proud of Nikki’s room. Can’t wait to see it change as she becomes more comfortable with who she’s becoming!




2nd last page jumps in time (remembering meeting Scott/Sofia)? ...looks first if a (introductory) page would be missing, but then last page is again in sync with 3rd last imagery + text matches 2nd last. Something (but what?) should/could be added to 2nd last page to make storytelling bit more fluent? ...in the end last pages do work (digging masturbation aid from old memory), but still bit of a WTF moment that broke immersion...


Thanks for the comment, punarotta! This narrative (Nikki telling her story) is all supposed to be taking place right after the ending of “Maid for Life.” That’s when she meets Scott / Sofia. That last page I did on purpose as a bit of a “surprise” ending to show Nikki was lying to Scott / Sofia about playing with her breasts that same night she came home. She’s not as “no homo” as she pretends! 😉 Sorry for any unintended timeline confusion. It was clear in my head, haha.


Thanks for clarifying - forgot already that here Nikki had just met her father and meet with Scott/Sofia was indeed later.


Thanks for asking! Sometimes I try to be too clever, forgetting you wonderful readers last saw that scene months ago!


Love that face at the end she looks so happy 😊

Emily Morgan

can't wait for Nikki's to go shopping for bras with *her Mom and despite her Mom's anger, she can't help but enjoy shopping with her new Daughter for Girly things and momentarily forgets

stacy C

Don't tweak those nips too hard Nikki......you'll go blind hehe x


Poor Nikki frustrated about not been able to masturbate. I wonder how long will it take for her to realize that anal sex is her avenue to orgasm from now on, like Jill did?


Am with Mom, dad should receive some serious pain. A parent is suppose to protect their children, dad failed.

Ella Cherry

Great episode, love Nicky feeling an intruder in his old room!


Thank you, Ella! She just looks so out of place amidst all those masculine posters and trophies!


That would be a fun scene, Horn!!! Nikki would (and does) look amazing in something frilly.


That's an excellent questions, Pelican. Perhaps as they shrink 'her' cage, she will slowly realize how useless her manhood is becoming. Or maybe, at some point, she'll choose herself over her father -- and we'll see him get feminized, too!


I absolutely agree, Andre. I understand that Nicholas loves / respects / looks up to her dad, but he failed him on every level -- and now he's a she!


Emory . The part that reaches readers deep inside minds is- listening reading thoughts of transgender . Captures imagination of having body changes . I believe readers myself included can feel his breasts grow jiggle bounce and nipples becoming hard erect extended squirting milk engorge with milk needing release of milk fluids . The excitement passionate fears desires as his face becomes beautiful muscles weaken bone structure smaller hips widen soft skin . Jill for example has become extreme gorgeous Men women both look at her sexual carnal and Jill thinks about it her interior body mind feeling eyes electric connection . Jill can feel her lost testicles and penis get hard small size like a woman . Deep inside minds we all are male and female . Readers can come close to being both sexes in Emory fantasy stories

Emily Morgan

"we may um want to get you a bra" my favorite statement in the whole episode........not judging either, currently wearing one myself


Thanks, Horn! I agree. When I wrote that, a scene immediately popped into my head of Nikki and her mom shopping for lingerie. Both of them embarrassed, but knowing it's needed...


Wow, thank you so much, Sky! That is such an wonderful description of the experience of reading a good, fun, evocative TG story. I'm so happy that you think I'm approaching that level. I really do want you to be able to "experience" what the character does, if you wish!

Jessica Thence

It isn't as "button pushing" as some of your other caps, but I do like the look into the psyche. That is something we rarely see!


Thanks! I feel like I need to work Nikki up to any "button pushing!" I feel oddly responsible for her, LOL.