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Anybody want a prescription? 😁




Thanks for uploading text file with picture.

Ella Cherry

Yes, please! Give me this drug! Now!

Jeanette Johnson

2020? Just when the Corona virus vaccines began. Could this be the side effect Q followers are warning about? I have had an unquenchable desire to shave my legs and paint my nails since getting the vaccine. Oh wait, that started many years before but I think I will still join the first class action lawsuit.


I'd definitely love to read a full developed story to see how James dealt with his changes. He lost his job, girlfriend and who knows what else. How about his friends and buddies. Did any of them tasted the new goods? This story has lots of potential.


Agreed, Pelican! I'm intrigued by the rest of James' life, as well. I'm sure most of his guy friends are AT LEAST sighed up for his OnlyFans. I mean, what kind of friends wouldn't want to support her? Hehe.

Ohe Fan

Very nice model - do you happen to know her real model name?

stacy C

Writing down......RM-4869 hehe x

Jessica Thence

She was given a gift and all she can do is complain. Kids these days. SMH.


😂 I can't help but agree, Jess!