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Hello everyone! Time for a story poll. 💖

I love these because they allow you to 'inhabit' Jill for a moment. You get to live vicariously through her, see the story from her perspective, and make decisions for her. It also gives me a chance to know where you believe Jill is in her feminine journey.

As we saw in the previous episode, Jill will have sex in front of Madison. The question is, how eager is she at the time?

(Regret may come later)


Erica Rost

maybe she will have some desire for .... maternity?

Emily Morgan

I’d like it if she has a simple thought like “he is cute or how adorable” then followed by horror in recognizing it. As for having sex; I’d prefer her sexual encounters be mostly authentic, with a man she trusts, admires and discovers she’s attracted too and not solely a physical (almost rape) kind of way


Thank you, Horn2bell! These are good thoughts and made me very happy to read. You make an excellent point. Although I do wonder if Jill needs to discover her physical attraction before being able to admit her romantic attraction.

Jack Dawson

I have a funny suspicion that she us going to catch her bro in law soon

Jack Dawson

You are tease. This whole episode was a tease. I can't wait for the next installment

Sara Dune Tone

I think it would be cool if after she gets with a man, she realises that she likes guys and that it’s not just the hormones… like all that alpha male stuff from Jack’s life was compensating for repressed urges. Tantalising thought for me hehe


Jack was certainly repressing a lot. We already know that he forced himself to seem dumber and uncultured than he was. We also know he was in love with Madison, which scared him and so he broke up with her. Did Jack always have bisexual leanings that are only now coming to the fore? And is the estrogen amplifying his true nature? It's an interesting and tantalizing thought for sure!

Kirsten Roberts

Loved this episode, only wish it had been a few panels longer