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You can't go home again. At least, not as the guy you once were...

Quite happy with how these came out. Nikki is as sassy as ever, and I love her. Episode 5 will be the last of her "preamble" before we also get back to Sofia!

Can't wait to hear what you think! And thank you so much for your support!

P.S. The pinup is a glimpse into a possible future. Nikki's hair is longer and she seems happy as a country girl. 😀




Has anyone noticed, Niki has three enemies, Niki's father, Zack, & Zack's father. Only one friend, Niki's mother.

Allan Kim

Nikki's mom. I want to see her image when she was young. I think she might be girly and cute type one.


She was! After all, she’s a beauty queen. 😁 That’s a fun idea, Allan. I may very well do that.

Allan Kim

I'm looking forwars to see it! ^^

Sara Dune Tone

Omg Em you’re rocking my world with this one every step of the way. Thank you so much for this work, I’m impossibly excited for it! It hits all. The. Right. Buttons. ❤️


Actually, I jumped directly to content without looking at the description, and I thought that that pinup was Nikki's mom when she was younger. Disappointed now...


Just think! That means you’ll eventually get another pinup of her mom for real though. 😉


Slowly but surely Nikki is crumbling down. I know she's not Daisy from Dukes of Hazzard (justed dated myself), but these Texas girl shorts on the pinup could be more like Daisy's, can't they? ;-)


Thank you, thank you, Sara! Your messages of encouragement are, as always, wonderful and very appreciated! I'm so happy you're excited for Nikki's continuation. I hope you like what the future has in store for Sofia, too! 😀


Yep. Nick's "masculinity" is taking hit after hit after hit! LOL! Daisy's pinups will be a great inspiration, I think. Look at this one! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61%2BcqKJwHCL._AC_SY741_.jpg


Great update as always. I'm looking forward to the where the story goes from here when we pick back up with Sophia.


Not bad E! For a Texas girl I was thinking of the 1979 Dukes of Hazzard Daisy. https://images.app.goo.gl/jp3xL3oBubgaSdXY6


Thank you, Cry! I'm looking forward the getting back to the "present" with Sofia, as well. I'm so interested in the relationship between Nikki and Sofia. Two "girls" trying to navigate their new femininity. Will they be friends? Frenemies? Something else? Can't wait to find out! 💖

stacy C

Great stuff.....I'm sure Nikki's Mom can pass on some of those beauty queen secrets to her new daughter hehe x


Very good work again Emory. Loved seeing Zach's eyes behind the shades, quite a reveal. Really fascinated to see Nikki's mum and what her reaction to all this is.


I like it.


Thank you so much, Sandy! I'm very excited to bring Nikki's mother into the story!

Jessica Thence

I am certainly intrigued where this is going.....