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Today, I'm lettering Half Sisters for tomorrow. Yay!

But I'm a little frustrated, too. This comic was supposed to be my attempt at using speech bubbles. But, well, I kind of hate them. Part of the problem is I decided to use a 16:9 aspect ratio to get a "cinematic" feeling, which doesn't leave much headroom for the bubbles. I feel like this clutters up the comic page.

Also, I suspect using a text box like I did for Maid for Life often allows the story to move faster since I am able to fit in more narration rather than "just" speech. Also, you get to hear the main character's internal dialogue / thoughts.

But maybe these thoughts are all because speech bubbles are new for me, and I'm not proficient at using them yet. 

Here's an example of how it would change. What do you think?

Speech Bubbles




I like the speech bubbles that helps me a lot


Well, that depends, speech bubbles are only good for very few sentences, and you can't fit too much unless you dedicate a page or really plan ahead, in a page where you have many small panels this can work well, you can designate a sentence or two for each panel and convey a decent piece of story in one page. i think in your current format (one big picture to convey a lot of narrative) bubbles would be less practical. Also, i got used to them in your art so i developed a taste for it lol

stacy C

I think someti,mes the speech bubbles cover up too much of your wonderful art x


The word box is kinda your style. I like it

Emily Morgan

I like the way you have always done it..............I don't like speech bubbles


as a lifetime comic book reader, I am very fine with word bubbles. I do agree with Atremesia, that your brand of storytelling works better with your traditional format


As I have stated before, your amazing talent for graphic storytelling makes dialogue unnecessary. I love your words of course. As for the style, I trust that you will make the best choice on your own.


Thanks, Stacy! I do love my art -- and my words, too! LOL. But I want them to complement each other, not compete.