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You chose The Honorable Nate Forrester for the sequel poll!

This was a lot of fun to write. After all, who doesn't like to see transphobic and misogynistic assholes get their just deserts? 

I've attached the first caption, too. 

P.S. I noticed both this caption and the previous one had characters named "Nate." I swear I have nothing against the many good "Nate's" of the world. 😛



Ella Cherry

Soooo good! And definitely wouldn’t mind seeing more of Naomi!


Hi, what Name of the Model is it on the Pic (1. Pic (on the Bed))?


I think Naomi should run for Governor. She definitely knows how to raise money for her campaign!


🤣🤣🤣 And I bet her policies have become more equal now that she's on the other side of the fence.

Ella Cherry

Hmmmm, only see her daily routine performing in her two jobs would be lovely!

stacy C

Ha not so honourable now are you x

Jessica Thence

Fricken delicious. What a cute picture and an outstanding caption to match. Great work as always Emory.