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Jill continues her journey to the mainland with Mr. Davis, and has a very unusual encounter...

This edition of Jack & Jill is a tad unusual! You'll see why. I promise we won't go off on a tangent, but I have been thinking about this idea for a while. I hope you like it, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! ❤️

The PDF will go up later tonight. Enjoy!



Tiki D

I'm wondering if dream Jack is going to hit on Jill?

Tiki D

Jill was also checking her former life's body.

Tiki D

I got a feeling that Jill is going to have a wet dream.

Tiki D

She is starting to get into guys.

Tiki D

I also have another feeling that Jill is going to talk to Jack one last time, before letting her be her own person.

Tiki D

I'm betting Jack is the key of bringing Jill's desires of having sex with a man to life, not just women.

Tiki D

I can't wait for Jill to have sex with Jack.


Pages 3, 7, 15 are amazing. Especially #7 with the reflections in the wine-glasses and the cabin door!! More fantastic examples of your masterful graphic storytelling.

Erica Rost

When his masculine side meets his feminine side, it must be quite funny as a situation ...

Ella Cherry

So cool that we are able to compare them both, I love the panel where Jill felt her femininity screaming in her body!

France Day

This dream seems the last stop towards a new reality where the woman (Jill) as in the genesis will be born on one side of the man (Jack)... and in this reality, it is the woman since the dawn of time that gives birth. Very good time, EA, a pleasure.


Emory you are clever with twist surprise . Jill Jack loving each others bodies . What a huge fantasy sexual intercourse with self . Especially erotic with Jill beautiful face body . Jill now seems to be getting thoughts of future on track . Jill knows Emily can be killed and forgotten . Her best shot is enjoy her amazing body .


Very nice artwork... especially Jills Face - did you make her even more beautiful (feminine) in her dream or is it the lighting?


no offence, but I'd rather not see that... just doesn't feel... right


Thanks, Asmodeean! The lighting help a lot in the case, but I've also been applying some techniques to showcase Jill's growing mastery of makeup. Previously, you saw some natural imperfections in her skin, but those are becoming less and less as she learns about foundation, contouring, etc. She'll never be airbrushed beyond recognition, but I'd definitely say she's becoming more femme and pretty!


Thank you, Sky! I've always wanted Jack and Jill to meet. They are two sides of the same coin, and I do think Jack deserves a kind of "send off" as Jill realizes her masculine identity is gone forever.


Thank you very much, France. I definitely see this as an "inflection point" (to borrow a phrase) in Jack/Jill's psychological journey of accepting what has happened to them.


Thanks a lot, Ella! I think something it's hard to tell I've always used the same textures and even general bone shape throughout the years. Like, you can tell their knees and shins (and belly button 😄) are the same because the HRT barely changes those things...


Thanks so much, Fin! I paid special attention to that panel... and, of course, to Jill's loveliness, LOL.


Indeed, Erica! It's a collision of two powerful personalities. But which is more real?

stacy C

Well the hair hasn't changed that much hehe x