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Scott, newly released from the clinic, tries to acclimate to the idea of inhabiting the role of Mrs. Ferris's deceased daughter, Sofia...

Coming back to Maid for Life was a lot of fun! Do you think Scott will ever come around to enjoying his assets? 

And no, I'm not talking about the wealth he'll inherit... 😉

As ever, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story! ❤️

EDIT: Some folks reported trouble seeing the images here. I've reuploaded them. Hopefully that fixes the problem! 




Can't click on any of the images


That first panel! Divine

Mike R Pen

Thank you for posting part 14. I am intrigued by the plotline. Will Sofia learn to love her new life or will she go back to being Sandy? It is apparent she will never again be Scott. I also like the surgical aspects of this story and look forward to reading more.


Glad this is back will you be posting this regularly again I am looking forward to seeing how this story ends !


Yes, Scott is gone for good, I think. We'll have to see how far she descends into the "rich bitch" life as Sofia -- and if she ever wants to climb back out...


Thank you sop much, Chris! Yes, Maid for Life will be back on the regular schedule for a while. 😀

France Day

Draw with words and write with images. What a beautiful balance in this creative process. This segment is beautiful EA, a nutrient for the mind.


Sofia is living a dream . Everything about her body is beautiful . She wanted sex change early . Rich no money worry . House food clothes face young . All she could desire is lover and her body won't be long . Emory hope you keep making her more beautiful fitter body longer hair = to Jill . What a fabulous fantasy . Rich beautiful sexual life heaven .

Halima Abdi

Will there be a race-change as well? Sofia is a popular Hispanic name, and she's looking quite a bit browner. Would certainly make things interesting...


Wow, thanks so much, France! I do enjoy that Maid for Life has more "narrative" than the other tales. In this case, I think it works.


Thank you, Sky. She probably thinks she's living a nightmare, but we know better. I bet if Josh saw her, he'd provide that "lover" she needs real quick. But then, maybe there's a rich boy out there who will steal her heart....


She did look browner, which was actually a mistake of my materials when I set up the renders. I actually re-did almost all the images today to restore her original coloring. 🙁 I'm afraid Sofia is destined remain a "basic white bitch." 😉

Ella Cherry

Great first chapter of a new life! ❤️


Is... is that the Amityville Horror house?


OMG! I just looked and it DOES look a lot like the real one. This was unintentional. No ghosts in this story...except the ghost of Scott's manhood. 😉


😀 Thanks, Ella! Sofia will be reborn from Scott's ashes. Or so hopes her new mom! Hehe.

stacy C

So glad you are continuing this story......it's one of my favourites x

Diana Bialaska Hansen

Just reading up after some absence. Really glad that this story is back. Must admit I was missing it greatly while you were experimenting with the magical transformation. She truly has become beautiful.


Agreed, Diana! I enjoyed the romp with Moonsong, but I also missed Scott / Sofia. Glad she's back!