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Hello patrons! First, we want to thank you for your support and also apologize for the late release. As we mentioned in a previous update, some RL issues ruined this month's schedule, so we are a bit behind. Next month, though, things should regularize.

Now, for Take Over, you will get to train Dunja; this means this arc (corrupting the regime's heroine) is approaching its conclusion, and with that, the only focus left would be the final story arc.

As mentioned previously, though, the idea is that this won't necessarily mark the end of Take Over: We want to add transformation and many secondary events that show the impact of the city being corrupted and transformed.


  • New story scenes for Dunja, focused on training her into your personal pet.
  • New story scenes about Hilde's schemes, and the spy Cleo.
  • Fixing some scenes loading the wrong images.
  • Hint system updated.
  • Not in the game, but getting the assets ready for when we start doing transformations.

About transformations, we are going to start doing the 'ideal' ones, but besides that, we will them to a vote in our discord server!

If you want to keep up with what we are doing and have suggestions, ideas, or bug reports, you can join our discord! We are pretty active there and always try our best to address any question as soon as possible!



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