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Hello patrons! First of all, thank you all for your support! In this release of Take Over, we are doing our best to keep involving the many characters you have recruited through your adventure.

The story is progressing nicely, and although we fixed a few bugs, we would like to get to know more about what needs to be fixed or polished, so please let us know about anything odd you find! With that said, let's check the changelog!


  • Disrupting their operation: In three new scenes, Maja gets closer to the regime's heroine and slowly begins her corruption.
  • Sabotaging: The increased military presence makes the population anxious, and things are getting out of control. Jasey and Cynthia will eagerly give their report.
  • Infiltration: An enemy spy is getting too close. You and Vera will try to deceive her and capture her...
  • Journal and hints minor updates.
  • Fixed typos (Keep reporting them!)

As we progress with the story of Take Over, we are also putting some time into FLX; we hope we get to show you that game soon since we feel it suits Studio Dystopia very well, both in the setting and style, especially after all the lessons learned from Take Over.

With that said, we invite you to join our discord; we are quite active and are always open to suggestions, ideas, or bug reports! Thank you for being so supportive, and see you around!



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