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Hello everyone! We are bringing you here our latest update for Take Over; we've been working on the main story as of late, progressing the current arc.

Our overall idea is to keep new (named) characters to a minimum while giving all the existing ones new scenes, content, and a relevant role in this massive, final operation.

Also, because of the nature of the story, some of this content is going to be optional (public use), but we'll make sure to balance the presence of your character, too, so he isn't left to the side.

With that said, here is the changelog.


  • New scenes about infiltrating Hilde's army: Planting bugs, seducing officers, and testing a new, experimental serum.
  • New sabotage story missions: Make shady deals with officers, and talk to Dimitria to see what progress have been made about new, creative uses for the serum...
  • Disruption missions story arc: Talk with Sarah about the new heroine, and prepare for her arrival.
  • Fixed a lot of typos.
  • Some updates on the journal, including the hint system to be up-to-date.

Although we are focusing on the story, if you have ideas, suggestions, bug reports, or something else in mind, let us know in our discord about it, it's usually the best way to report things!



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