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Sorry I'm late with this, guys, had a bit of a technical problem this morning. Since the last poll ended in a tie, I guess it’s up to me to cast the tie-breaker. Looks like we’re taking the street! Don't forget to vote in the poll to let me know what you want to see next.

You guide the stroller out onto the busy sidewalk, grinning when you notice your adorable passenger squirming uncomfortably in the seat... and no wonder. The street is crowded, mainly with couples on their way to eat or see a movie, and your date immediately becomes the centre of attention, drawing many stares, some pointing, and more than a few giggles and outright laughs.

In the stroller, your date squirms and blushes, slurping on her pacifier and casting her eyes downward to avoid catching anyone’s gaze. As you push her slowly down the street, she’s filled with a combination of hot, prickling knives of embarrassment and wet, ticklish arousal spreading across her body, and inside her pampers, her pussy is moist in a way that has nothing to do with the fact that she uncontrollably pissed herself just a few moments before. The farther you guide the stroller down the street, the more snippets of peoples conversations about her she hears, deepening her blush:

“Oh my god… look at her!”

“Is that… is that a diaper?!”

“Sooooo embarrassing!”

“… Looks ridiculous!”

“I can’t believe someone would actually go out in public like that!”

“… some kind of fetish thing, I think…”

She squirms and blushes, trying to sink down into her seat as best she can. The regression formula is still active in her system, making her limbs all tingly and her brain foggy, her mind slowing to a crawl… but she’s still more than able to process the total public humiliation she’s undergoing. Her tummy is still all gurgly and gassy, and her only response to the situation seems to be releasing a series of increasingly noisy farts, and you can’t help wondering how long it’s going to be before she loses control of her bowels entirely… you can’t help smiling at the thought.

“Oh, hey you two!”

You turn towards the familiar voice just in time to see Janice from work heading up the street towards you! There’s always been a low-key rivalry between your date and the sexy, outgoing brunette. You can see Janice’s eyes flashing wickedly as she approaches, grinning when she sees your date squirming and blushing in her adult-sized stroller.

“Well, well! What have we here? Trying a new wardrobe? It really suits you-- I especially like that pacifier… maybe that’ll teach you to keep your big fat mouth closed!”

Your date glares and scowls from behind her soother and looks away, huffing angrily, but helpless, unable to say anything.

‘Wait… is that a diaper?!” Janice says, snorting with laughter as your date is forced to squirm and blush on her pampered bottom, the crinkles that emerge confirming her suspicions. “Ha! Boy, that’s appropriate! If you dressed like this at the office, maybe you wouldn’t spend half of every shift in the bathroom, am I right?”

Janice laughs out loud at her joke, enjoying your date’s squirming.

What will you do?


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