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Thanks again to all of you for your support. Don't forget to vote to let me know where you want the story to go from here.

“Let’s swing by the car before we go,” You say decisively, taking her by the hand and leading her into the parking garage. Your date looks at you curiously.

“I thought we were walking?” You favour her with an indulgent smile, like you were speaking to a real toddler.

“We are,” you say, taking the pacifier that’s dangling from her shirt by a strip of ribbon attached to a clip. “I’ve got a little surprise for you first.”

“A surprise?! What kind of-- uumph!”

You cut her off by popping the pacifier into her mouth, leaving her to stare at you with wide eyed wonder. She frowns, but begins sucking obediently, making you smile before you begin walking towards the car again. “Let’s go,” you say, delivering a solid, open palmed swat to the seat of her cute pink overalls, which bulge noticeably as they try to contain her enormous diapers.

You lead her to the car and address her firmly before letting go of her hand:

“Stay right here and be good, young lady; Don’t think I won’t take you over my knee and paddle your bottom in public if you start acting up!”

You fix her with a stern stare, happily noticing the way she squirms and blushes when you lecture her, clearly enjoying the sensations of childish subjugation she’s experiencing. You pop the trunk, and she watches with interest as you pull out the bundle of metal and canvas. Curiosity turns first to shock, then more blushes when she watches you unfold and snap into place and slowly begins to realize what it is. Looking at her with a smile, you pat the seat and beckon towards her.

With her heart thumping in her chest, she hesitates a moment before slowly coming towards you, diaper crinkling under her clothes with every little waddle. You help her settle her padded bum into the seat, chuckling when she shoots you a look that says she doesn’t know weather to squeal with delight or die from embarrassment. You buckle her in firmly (‘accidentally’ rubbing against the front of her padded crotch in the process,) and look her in the eyes.

“Now you be a good girl-- sit still and keep your hands in your lap,” you lecture sternly, grinning when you get an earnest nod in response.

And with that, your on your way, your date tooting nervously as you step out onto the street, her tummy all gassy and gurgly inside here, and her bladder beginning to feel a little full..

Which way will you go to the ice cream parlour?


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