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Hi everyone,

I'm sorry I didn't post this earlier, but I've been going through some stuff for the last month or so that I've been avoiding talking about. The truth is, there's been another very sudden death in my family. I'm in a very dark place right now. I know the last year has been rough on everyone and I really hate to complain... but I've lost more people in just the last year than I have during the rest of my life combine, and frankly, I'm having a hard time dealing with it.

This will also give me an opportunity to get caught up on my work. I would especially like to apologize to members of the art tier-- I have a couple of irons in the fire and I hope to begin posting regular art updates again soon.

I will definitely be returning next month, but make take another break shortly after. I'm really just not sure at the moment. Thank you all so much for sticking with me. I'm sorry things haven't been at there best around here lately.

I'll talk to you again soon,




Are refunds for this month available?


No need for an apology, and best of luck enduring the dark patches of life.


So we won't get charged for july?