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The humiliation of Wonder Woman continues! Thanks to everyone who's left likes and comments, they're greatly appreciated! I hope you're all still enjoying the story.

As always, I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and healthy... please take care of yourselves as best you can.

Reaching under the table, Wolfe produced a bundle of cloth. “Back to Gamma mode, darling,” he said, and with a brief shudder, Wonder Woman found herself able to sit-up under her own power once again. Her strength was still greatly diminished (to about the level of a three year old, Diana estimated), her head still fuzzy, her movements still clumsy... but it was better than alpha mode, she thought with a shiver... for a woman like Diana, that level of powerlessness was almost unbearable.

     So she stood by and sucked her pacifier, as docile as a real toddler, and allowed him to dress her in the colourful onsie. She let him to band her hair up into pig-tails, blushing when she caught sight of her onsie in the nearby mirror and realized it was an infantile version of her famous red, blue, and gold costume. Her cheeks flared crimson as Wolfe bent down to snap up her crotch, and she studied the garment. She had to admit, the attention to detail was impressive--  The colours were an almost exact match to her actual costume, and the way they’d been arranged was impressive-- it very nearly looked like the real thing... except, of course, the huge, bulky diaper bulging obviously beneath the costume and poking out from under the leg bands. A yellow bonnet was tied beneath her chin-- a mocking replacement, she realized, for her famous golden tiara.

     In combination, the clothes created an effect that was as bizarre as it was humiliating, creating an adult baby version of her traditional costume... anyone who looked would recognize her-- and then start laughing, she thought miserably, staring at her bulbous diaper butt in the mirror, it’s crinkling louder than Darkseid’s evil laughter in her ears.

     “Come along,” he said, taking her by the hand. Diana reluctantly allowed herself to be led into the adjacent room, toddling behind as quickly as her extra-thick diaper would allow.

     She spotted a high chair in the center of the room and sighed. She briefly considered resisting, but almost as though he could read her mind, Wolfe turned to her and gave her a serious look.

     “Now darling,” he said sweetly, making her bristle, “just in case you’re thinking about acting up, I want to show you something.”

     Taking a small remote from his jacket, he pressed a button and activated a bank of monitors on the far wall. Diana turned and was greeted with scenes of pretty young women going about their day, apparently unaware they were being recorded.

     “These are some of the brightest, most promising young women in the world,” Wolfe said. “Emma there,” he gestured to a cute brunette with short hair on a screen in the top row, “is one of the best up and coming violinists in Europe, while Sakura there,” he said, indicating a beautiful young Japanese woman in a lab coat, “is at the top of her class at the University of Tokyo. These feeds are monitored off site by a staff that is also watching us right now. If you hesitate to follow my orders, resist me, or try to fight back, they are under orders to start regressing these women back to the crib-- thus negating their bright futures. You wouldn’t want that on your conscience, would you?”

     Glaring into his eyes from behind her pacifier, she nodded grimly before allowing herself to be placed into the high chair and strapped in. Squirming on her thickly padded bottom, diaper crinkling loudly the whole time, she tried to find a comfortable position. After sliding the tray into place, Wolfe bound her hands and feet to the chair with thick leather straps, immobilizing her. The door on the far side of the room opened, and another attractive nurse entered, pushing a cart laden with covered plates. The aroma of food filled the room, and the superheroine found her mouth watering... it felt like a lifetime had passed since breakfast.

     Taking one of the plates from the cart, Wolfe set it on the tray in front of her. As the nurse rolled her cart out of the room, Wonder Woman stared at her distorted reflection in the shiny silver dome of the plate cover, both looking forward to-- and dreading-- finding out what her meal was going to be.

     Wolfe popped the pacifier out of her mouth, the thick rubber nipple all slick with drool, and placed it over to the side of the tray. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said, gripping the cover and pausing dramatically before pulling it off. Diana was greeted with the sight of a huge bowl heaped high with a big, steaming serving of baked beans.

     It was a sight that filled her with conflicting emotions-- Diana loved the taste of beans, but the  ‘after effects’ were frequently quiet embarrassing. She was right to be concerned-- these beans were specially bread and genetically enhance to be extra fibrous and stimulating for the bowels... Wolfe intended to market it as a healthy alternative to regular baby food, amused by the idea of a world full of uncontrollably farting Adult Baby women.

     Wolfe spooned up the first load with relish, and Diana opened her mouth obediently and accepted it, dutifully chewing and swallowing before opening up for another spoonful. The meal was delicious, the flavour rich and just a little bit spicy, just the way she liked it. But the large size of the serving was a little concerning, the large bowl heaped so high with beans it was almost overflowing... surely he didn’t intend for her to eat the whole thing... did he?

     Slowly but with determination, he fed her the beans one spoonful at a time, her lips and chin getting increasingly speared with reddish-brown sauce. Diana’s belly was comfortably full, a pleasant warmth radiating from within her, and she actually began to feel a bit sleepy. But the onslaught of beans was relentless, and Diana was forced to push all minor discomforts out of her mind, determined to keep up with him... she couldn’t let him regress any of those women because of her!

     Wonder Woman chewed and swallowed, her stomach growing tight and distended, her guts beginning to gurgle inside her ominously. Finally, she had to pause, her mouth full of half chewed beans, and emit a shockingly loud belch.

     Wolfe cocked an eyebrow and smiled sardonically. “Well, excuse you, princess,” he laughed, waiting for her to swallow before he spooned in another load of beans.

     Groaning in response, she chewed and swallowed and opened again obediently, grimacing, the noisy gurgling in her belly accompanied by a swelling pressure that was rapidly becoming uncomfortable. Diana’s head was filled with ridiculous images of her beautiful body swelling up like a beach ball.

     She chewed, swallowed, and opened her mouth for more in an almost mechanical rhythm, her belly grumbling and gurgling inside her. Feeling the pressure building up in her colon, Diana tried tightening her anus to stave off embarrassment, only to find, like something out of a nightmare, that she now lacked the strength to effectively control her rear end.

     With a startled cry, Wonder Woman uncontrollably ripped a bubbly, machine-gun blast of a fart, barely muffled by her thick diapers. Her cheeks reddening, the princess avoided his gaze, her humiliation building... not to mention the horror she felt-- when she woke up in the morning, she was one of the most powerful mortals in the world-- now, her body lacked the strength to even control her own farts!

     Wolfe chuckled, making her blush deepen. “My my! I have to say-- I expected a princess to have better manners than that!” Diana could only blush and squirm in response, her guts already gurgling ominously as he shovelled another heaping helping of beans into her mouth, quickly spooning up another helping while she dutifully chewed and swallowed.

     A sharp cramp in her side preceded another loud, long guff, making Diana sob in embarrassment. Her gassy discomfort was only getting worse, and she desperately wanted to stop eating-- but the knowledge that the slightest hesitation could result in a future world leader or brilliant scientist being regressed into a second infancy spurred her forward, and she took another spoonful of fart-fuel into her mouth, chewing as swallowing, her bottom lip quivering when she softly passed gas, blanketing the area in her stink.