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Note: This post is for entertainment purposes only! The management accepts no responsibility for any negative consequences if you try any of this at home or anywhere else!

Calling all Diapergirls, Pampered Princess’, and Adult Baby Queens: are you board during quarantine? Looking for a little kinky fun to pass the time? Look no further... we’ve got you covered! All you need is an ordinary six sided dice (or a random number generator set between 1 and 6). Give it a roll, look up the corresponding number below and get started with your challenge! These games can be played alone or with the help of mommy or daddy, so don’t hesitate-- start your challenge now!  

1. Adult Baby Calling: Get yourself all dolled up in your most gloriously babyish outfit. Double diaper yourself nice and thick so your bottom crinkles loudly and you’re forced to waddle a bit. Put on a bonnet or band your hair up in pig tails or a similarly infantile hair-do. Do whatever it takes to make you look and feel as babyish as possible, and then take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate how gloriously silly and infantile you look. Now pick up the phone and call your crush* for a nice little chat, all the while thinking about what they would say if they could see you now! Feel your heart hammer in your chest as you try and keep your squirming to a minimum... after all, what would they say if they heard your diapers rustling? It’s silly to be nervous... there’s no way they could possibly discover your secret-- right?

* If this isn’t possible, call your best friend, a sibling, a co-worker... anyone you’re close to as long as they don’t know your secret!

2. Rosy Red Cheeks: Just because you’re social distancing doesn’t mean you get a free pass on all your naughty behaviour, young lady! First, I want you to find yourself a nice, firm hairbrush, a wooden spoon, paddle, or any other solid spanking implement of your choice. Take out your dice and give it another roll-- multiply that number by 10 to get the number of swats; now pull down your diaper, stick your bare little butt in the air, and spank away! Make sure to count out loud so you don’t loose your place, and try to think about all the naughty things you’ve done in the last week. When you’re finished, stand with your nose in the corner and your roasted rump on display for 15 minutes. Rubbing is not allowed... however you may take one of your stuffed animals to keep you company.

3. Temperature Time: In these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to make sure that baby is healthy. It’s only because I care about you that I want you to take your temperature twice a day for the next ten days... and of course, we all know that the best, most accurate way to take baby’s temperature is rectally! That’s right-- for the next ten days, every morning and evening, you’re going to pull down your diaper, spread yourself out someplace nice and comfy, grease up your little butthole, then slowly push that cold, slippery thermometer right up your quivering bum bum! After five minutes, you may (very slowly) remove the thermometer, then record the results to make sure your temperature is regular!

4. Enema Blowout Challenge: Think of this as an opportunity to do a little spring cleaning. Start by cleaning yourself out with a nice, hot, soapy enema! Once you’ve filled your cute little butt, tape yourself into a pair of your favourite diapers. Next, get yourself a nice pillow, get into position, and start humping! The race is on now to make yourself cum before your release that enema. If you can make yourself orgasm before you mess your pants, you’re free to release and change your diaper at your leisure... but if you make a poopy before you make yourself cum, you must sit in your messy diaper, finish masturbating, and wait a full hour before changing.

5. Musical Fruit: Get ready-- there’s gonna be a fart fiesta, and your butt’s providing the music! Treat yourself to a nice, healthy lunch-- the biggest bowl of beans you can possibly rustle up, with a large dose of ex-lax chocolate for dessert*! Eat as much as you possibly can, then sit back and wait for the fireworks to begin-- a nice case of explosive diarrhea is just what a girl like you needs to keep herself occupied for a day or so! Make sure you really push out those farts loud and proud, and keep doing it until you mess yourself! Be sure to have plenty of pampers on hand and change yourself often to prevent diaper rash-- but don’t forget to have a nice sit ‘n’ squish in your stinky, poopy pampers before you do!

*You can substitute for a gassy food or laxative of your own choosing if need be.

6. 24/7 Adult Baby Challenge: For hardcore diaper fanatics only! How long can you live like a baby? For this challenge, you will have to live as much like an infant as you possibly can for as long as you can tolerate it. If you have to leave the house to shop etc. you may wear your grown up clothes with a diaper underneath, but at home, it’s all AB all the time. No grown up shows, movies, books, or games, all meals must be eaten with your fingers (or spoon fed by Mommy or Daddy), you must crawl as much as possible, wear only your most babyish and embarrassing outfits-- whatever it takes to make you feel as infantile as possible! Suck your soother, play with your toys, and pee and poop your diaper whenever the urge strikes you. Who knows-- by the time you’re finished this challenge, you might just forget how to be a big girl completely!

Let us know in the comments what number you rolled and tell us whether or not you’re planning on going through with it... and if you do, let us know how it went!


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