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 I'm really sorry I haven't been around much lately. Due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak, I've been forced to pick up a lot of slack at work, and I've been spending much of my free time helping family members affect by the quarantines and self isolation. I'm still on track with updates here on Patreon-- but unfortunately, I'm afraid the blog will have to suffer for at least the next little while. It's the best I can do for now, I hope you understand, and I hope you're all doing well during this crisis. Stay safe, don't take any chances, and let's cross our collective fingers and hope for a swift end to all this. In the meantime, I hope I can provide you all with a little escapism in this difficult time.

Sleep was an impossibility. Inside her colon, Vanessa felt the pressure building, a hot mass of both mush and gas getting larger and heavier by the second--- not to mention more difficult to control. Against her will, she started ripping moist, juicy fart that left the inside of her buttocks feeling moist and gooey. Her butthole pulsed, signalling that the end was near. Finally, she was reduced to curling up on her side, trying to reduce her cramps, both hands clenching her rump in a last-ditched attempt at keeping her pampers clean.

     At last, she couldn’t stand the discomfort any longer. She knew what was going to happen, and if she just lay there farting all night, it was only a matter of time before she wound up pushing too hard and loading her diaper anyway... all she was doing at this point was depriving herself of sleep. At last she took a deep breath-- if it was going to happen anyway, she was damn sure it was going to happen on her terms.

     Filled with righteous spite, she pushed herself up to her knees... then, thinking better of it, shifted onto the balls of her feet, involuntarily tooting when she moved herself into a squat. With her diapered butt sticking out behind her, Vanessa balled up her fists and began straining, grunting, squeezing her eyes closed and trying to block out the embarrassed cries emanating from within her own mind.

     She didn’t have to strain very hard-- almost immediately, she felt her asshole open, a massive gush of mushy brown poopy propelled into the seat of her diapers with a major, gassy fart. She gasped, the hot, gritty mud squishing against her well-sculpted buttocks. Instantly, Vanessa regretted her decision, and she tried to shut off the flow by tightening her anus... but it was too late to put the breaks on now.

     Against her will, she felt her back passage open once more, and was powerless to do anything but give an anguished cry, an uncontrollable eruption of thick, smelly poop settling into her pampers with a loud, gassy squelching.  

     “Oh no!” she gasped breathlessly, her stomach rolling when she felt the heavy weight of the load weighing down the back of her diaper, the heat of it against her ass, and the God-awful stink that was beginning to emerge.  

     Fully realizing her terrible mistake, Vanessa tried, frantically, to once more clamp down her anus and cut off the flow, only to realize it was far too late-- she literally could not control herself, crying out in anguish and humiliation, blasting out another round of farty diarrhea into the seat of her pampers.  

     “Hhhhuugghh!” she groaned clutching her belly, a cramp squeezing her guts like a huge fist wringing the contents down towards her little pink asshole like a giant tube of toothpaste. Clenching her eyes shut, Vanessa tightened her rear end with all her might, desperate to avoid the final humiliation.

     But there was no delaying the inevitable... a final round of hot, noisy gas and wet, stinky poo-poo exploded into the already thoroughly loaded seat of her diapers. Vanessa shrieked, the force of the evacuation making her butt-cheeks jiggle even as it turned the seat from pristine white to a muddy brown. The warm, mushy mess quickly filled every inch of free space in the diaper. She gasped and moaned, the poopy mudslide continuing beyond what she thought was even possible.

     At last, the mess sputtered to a finish, leaving Vanessa breathing heavily, sweaty, and very stinky in the cramped darkness of her crib. Reluctantly, she glanced over her shoulder to take a peek at the seat of her diaper, a wave of shame washing over her when she saw how obscenely it bulged out behind her, a clearly visible brown stain spreading out from the center, leaving no doubt as to what had happened... all but announcing to the world that she was a big messy baby in stinky pants.

     A wave of humiliation induced vertigo washed over her, powerful enough to make Vanessa’s head swim. She lost her balance, teetering on the balls of her feet, and she reached out to grab the bars of her crib in an attempt at saving herself... but it was too late. With a tiny squeal, she toppled over backward, landing heavily on her bottom with an audible SPLAT!

     Vanessa gasped sharply, her eyes wide when she felt the hot, gooey mess squishing all over her buttocks, spurting up her crack, spreading into every nook and cranny. The stench began emerging in waves, blanketing the room. Her bottom lip began to quiver and tears sprang to her eyes... it just wasn’t fair!

     Throwing herself down onto her stomach, she buried her face in the pillow and sobbed melodramatic tears and pounded the mattress with her fist, vividly aware of the heavy, gritty load in her diaper pressing down on her buttocks. It was all just so unfair! She wasn’t a baby, damnit! What right did that bastard West have to treat her like this?!

     “I’m not a baby!” she bawled into her pillow, the stink of her load enveloping her, until she finally fell asleep.

The big contest will be starting soon, and I’m definitely still open to whatever suggestions you guys have about it. In general, would you prefer:


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