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The next installment of Doll Face will be up at the end of this week... however, before then, I wanted to give everyone another opportunity to donate "before" pictures of potential protagonists for our new story, and maybe even talk about some potential story lines. Then in a week or so, we'll conduct another poll and choose our main character.

To submit a pic, right click on the image you wish to submit and look for 'copy image location' or 'copy image url.' Then just paste the address (ctrl+v or right click and hit 'paste') in the comments below or in a private message to me. 

Like so:


Remember, we're attempting to keep this story within the realm of reality (or at least as real as it ever gets in one of MY stories ;) )



Alison Brie (circa Mad Men/ Trudy Campbell): https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmgk_JvzhQQNhBTwstIoAYGUN_PGtH0O6feCDTOb3A0liFhhEB https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/alison3-1474654321.jpg?resize=980:*