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OK, here we go... I hope this one is as popular as Demoted. As always, thank you all for your continued support, it truly means a lot to me. If you're enjoying the story and you want to see more like it then don't forget to hit the like button and leave a comment below... and don't forget to vote in our poll (remember you can pick three this time.) Be sure to keep your eyes pealed for the next installment of Big Daddy later this week, and the final part of The Governess Revisited around Christmas!

It all began so slowly and on such a small scale, most people barely even noticed it. All across Metropolis, changes were occurring in the lives of the city’s female citizens. A woman would arrived home and realize that she was wearing pigtails, in spite of the fact that she had no memory of doing her hair that way. Or open her purse and discover, to her confusion, a baby rattle or a soother, even though in most cases that hadn’t had any recent contact with young children. Or strip down in her apartment and discover that her sexy silken panties had been replaced with a pair of thick, bulky training pants-- better suited to a four year old.

     But over the coming weeks, the phenomena grew increasingly bizarre, more noticeable, and more embarrassing... young women across the city found themselves suddenly redeveloping their penchant for sucking their thumbs. Some women reported developing spontaneous drooling problems, others forgot how to walk and were reduced to crawling on all fours.

     But the next wave of reports were far more disturbing, beginning with doctors across Metropolis reported a sudden upsurge in bedwetting among their female patients. This was followed by a corresponding uptick in daytime wetting--  patients reported, blushingly, feeling absolutely no urge of any kind before completely dousing her pants, often at work or during classes at college. Few were surprised when the messing accidents began... withing weeks, seeing a pretty young professional woman or a cute college girl sucking her thumb and loose control of her bowels in public had become a common occurrence. By the end of the first month, sales of adult diapers in the greater Metropolis area had gone through the roof.  

     The government declared the situation a public health crisis... and the intrepid Lois Lane, ace reporter for one of the country’s most prominent newspapers was on the case. Her nose for news sensed more than dirty diapers-- something was going on, and Lois was determined to get the scoop on it before anyone else. She reached out to her usual sources and put the word out... she wanted info, and she was willing to pay for it.

     For nearly a week, she could turn up no substantive leads... and though within Metropolis, the problem got got worse and worse, with more and more of the city’s young female population affected, the mysterious ailment didn’t seem to be extending past the city limits-- at least for the moment.

     Finally, she dug up a lead; one of her informants put her into contact with a man who told her he could explain what was happening to Metropolis’ women and what the cause was. Lois immediately set up the meeting. Packing her gear, she idly wished that Superman was in town... but he’d been called into space on an urgent mission and wasn’t expected back for a few weeks yet. Lois steeled herself, throwing on her coat and locking her door on her way out. She’d done just fine before Superman came along, and she was confident she could continue to do so without his help, thank you very much.

“I’m afraid there’s no simple answer, Ms. Lane.”

     She was vaguely familiar with the wealth industrialist John Wolfe. Of course, everyone had heard of the Silicone Valley whiz kid who had come seemingly out of nowhere in the past couple of years to become a serious contender to Lex freaking Luthor... Lois had nearly bust a gut when Wolfe set up shop in Metropolis, right in Lex’s back yard-- rumour had it ol’ chrome-dome was mighty displeased by this perceived challenge to his dominance.

     But it soon became clear that Wolfe played things a little different from Luthor, maintaining a low profile... not even Lois’ insiders could dig up anything interesting on Wolfe. The consensus seemed to be that he was very driven, worked round the clock, and tended to be secretive about the projects he worked on.  

     Now here he was... the mysterious Mr. Wolfe, about to explain away one of the strangest public health crises the city had ever seen (which was saying something in a city that had mad scientists and alien invaders running amok on a semi-weekly basis.)

     “There is a-- for lack of a better word-- conspiracy against the women of this city, Ms. Lane,” he said gravely, his voice powerful and riveting. “A diabolical, multi-pronged attack against the very foundation of the identity of every young woman in Metropolis.”

     “I-- see...” Lois said, double checking to make sure her recorder was still working.

     “Part of it was achieved with the use of Nanites-- employed to make changed both small and large,” he explained. Typing a string of commands into his computer, Lois turned towards a monitor that descended from the ceiling. The screen flickered to life, an image of a pretty young blonde woman in plain, white clinical garb appearing. A timecode in the corner was dated for several days before. “At first, I thought the nanites were only useful for minor cosmetic changes.”

     Lois watched the screen, fascinated when the girls hair began rearranging itself. The strands floated into the air around her head, and Lois immediately found herself thinking of static electricity. She watched the hair gather itself into bunches at either side of the woman’s head. A matching set of ribbons appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and bound her golden locks into a set of adorable matching pig tails.

     An impressive display... but a mere warm-up for what came next. It was almost imperceptible at first, but soon it was quite clear that there was some sort of movement beneath the woman’s pants; specifically, her backside seemed to be inflating, growing larger and rounder... so slowly not even she seemed to notice yet, but getting more obvious by them minute.

     And suddenly, the changes became impossible to ignore... in seconds, the girls pants seemed to liquefy, and Lois watched in amazement as they melted off the girl’s legs, leaving them bare... and exposing her diaper to the room. The woman looked down and gasped... apparently, pampers hadn’t been part of the outfit she’d picked out that morning.

     Lois watched, fascinated, horrified, and darkly amused as the woman’s t-shirt slithered down her front and back, meeting in between her thighs and becoming a onsie. It was astounding, but there it was... where a pretty, modern young woman had stood mere minutes before there now stood an overgrown toddler.

     “Whoa! That was...” Lois trailed off, unable to think of anything to say.

     “Merely the beginning, I assure you,” Wolfe said, typing out a series of commands.

     The footage instantly cut to what seemed to be live footage of a young woman watching TV.  

     “Over the past few weeks,” Wolfe explained, “some of the most popular broadcasts in Metropolis have begun carrying a very unusual signal. As you can see, I’ve taken control of the camera and microphone in this young lady’s Smart TV... The signal in question is 100% subliminal-- the red light in the top corner will indicate when it begins broadcasting.”

     They didn’t have to wait long... In seconds the red light ignited, and Lois, watching intently, saw the woman’s posture almost instantly become more rigid, her attention on the screen growing more engrossed by the second.

     “What’s happening?” Lois asked, growing increasingly uncomfortable as she watched the woman’s expression going more blank by the second.

     “She’s being subliminally imprinted,” Wolfe explained casually. “A fairly simple impression... in less time than it takes to watch a commercial break, she’ll have developed the cutest little thumb sucking habit... among other ‘adjustments.’”

     He sounded almost amused, and Lois would have been worried... but almost immediately, the woman’s thumb found it’s way into her mouth and she started sucking... slowly at first, but then with increasing speed, until she was going at it like a newborn baby. Horrified, Lois watched the woman spread her legs, the crotch of her jeans growing dark and shiny as she pissed herself.

     “But... I don’t understand, Mr. Wolfe... who’s causing all this?”

     “Why Ms. Lane-- I would have thought it was obvious to someone of your legendary deductive abilities,” he said, his smile devilish. “I’m the one responsible.”

She started to back out of the room... but it was too late. He typed a string of commands into the console and hit enter.

A strange shiver passed over Lois’ body and the faint smell of ozone filled the air. Feeling a sudden breeze on her wrists and ankles, she looked down and gasped when she saw her cream coloured pant suit beginning to unravel.

     “I thought you might like to see a first hand demonstration of what my nanites can do, Ms. Lane,” Wolfe said, trying not to smile as the ace reported stood and making little squeaks and squeals of outrage, helpless to do anything but watch her clothing liquefy and run off her body and evaporate into nothing.

Lois gasped, amazed and horrified. What remained of her outfit continued to shimmer and morph. The collar of her blouse shifted upwards, forming a cute little bonnet which perched atop her head and tied itself in a bow under her chin. What remained of her jacket, shirt, and bra formed into a bib tied around her neck with a soft ribbon, it’s fabric long enough to cover her nipples (if she didn’t raise her arms or move around too much.) Below, her panties began to expand, the seat thickening, ballooning out behind her, making her rear end look swollen. Between her legs, the material became so thick it forced her thighs apart and caused her to move with an awkward waddling gait. The remains of her belt and trousers became an adorable Hello Kitty themed diaper cover.

     “Don’t you look sweet,” Mr. Wolfe said, laughing suggestively. Lois instinctively tried to cover herself with her hands, blushing when he laughed at how ridiculous she looked.

     “You sicko!” She cried. “Why are you doing this?!”

     “It’s because of little brats like you,” he said, his voice deep and commanding. “My theory is simple: women are nothing but overgrown toddlers... and like preschoolers, you all need constant, specialized care round the clock. The diapers, the drooling-- all of it is just a symbol of your own innate helplessness... your immaturity.”

     “You can’t do this to me!” Lois harrumphed pompously. “I’m a respected member of the press! Furthermore, when Superman hears about this, he’ll-- mmuph!” She was cut off by a large pacifier being pushed into her mouth by Mr. Wolfe, who stood by grinning.

     “Pardon me young lady... little girls should hush up when the grown-ups are talking. Besides, you know the so-called ‘man of steel’ is in no position to help anyone at the moment. Now, what you’ve seen this morning is merely a fraction of the tools I have at my disposal. I can turn every woman in the city into an adult baby with the push of a button... But I’m a fair man, and I don’t want to condemn half the species to the nursery because of a theory alone. And so I devised a little challenge:

     “I’ve put up an impenetrable force-field around this area-- for a ten block radius, no one will be able to enter unless they possess one of these armbands.” He attached one to Lois’ wrist... she studied it for a moment, perceiving little difference between it and a futuristic digital watch.

     “I’ve delivered one of these to the group of women I’ve scientifically determined to be the best among you... if they can run the gauntlet, defeat my technology, and make it to this building I’ll willingly place myself into their custody. If not,” he smirked, clearly relishing all this, “I regress the rest of the city by sundown, the east coast by the end of the week, and you can take it from there.”


     “I believe you’ve got enough for your story now, my dear,” Wolfe said, his fingers working across the keyboard.

     The floor opened beneath Lois, and the diapered ace reported vanished down a hidden chute with a little shriek, the passage closing behind her.

     Mr. Wolfe returned to his console... he had much to prepare for the next phase of his project.

What characters should be in the story? (Pick your top three)


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