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Here's hoping you all had a wonderful fourth of July! As always, thank you all for the amazing support. If you're enjoying the story and you'd like to see more like it, don't forget to hit like and leave a comment below... and don't forget to scroll to the bottom to vote in the poll and determine where the story is going next.

The minutes slid by slowly. Ashley hung limply in the baby bouncer, pouting, wincing every time she accidentally squished the load in her pants... which was pretty much every time she moved even a little. Every few minutes, the automatons would tug on her feet, sending her springing up and down, the load in her pants mushing across her buns and into every crack and crevasse with every bounce.

     Worse, she somehow still had some mess left inside of her, and she suffered three more mushy, flatulent eruptions from her colon. Poor Ashley could do little more than grunt and moan, trying to endure her predicament until Simmons decided it was time she had a diaper change.

     She had no idea how long she hung there, the stink of her own mess wafting up into her nostrils, occasionally making a vain attempt to shift herself into a more comfortable position, succeeding only in  mushing the muddy mess in her pants around her plump, round booty, tightened and toned by hours of yoga and exercise. Finally, the automatons descended again, taking her under the arms and lifting her out of the harness, which quickly disappeared into the ceiling.

     With her loaded pampers mushing behind her, Ashley prayed she was being taken for a change. Instead, more noisy, mechanical clanking emerged from within the room. Ashley watched, frowning, as an enormous set of bars and railings emerged from the floor, along with a padded floor lined with blankets and toys... a king sized playpen for an Adult Baby, she realized, letting out a groan when she found herself deposited heavily on her rump within, wincing when the mess squished beneath her buttocks.

     “Uuhhhhgg! So gross!” she whispered to herself, scrambling to her knees and lifting her bottom off the floor. Frowning, she investigated her surroundings... the bars looked like they reached the top of her head, maybe even higher, and they were spaced close enough together to prevent much more than her hand from passing through. Ashley huffed a sigh, inspecting the contents of the playpen... dollies, plush animals, blocks, and rattles-- strictly entertainment for the preschool set. She stretched out on her tummy, vividly aware of the hot, muddy pile in her diaper behind her, but happy that she could avoid sitting in it for a little while.

In the control booth, Megan Simmons let out a giggle, clickity clacking away on her keyboard, eagerly deploying one of the new features she’d personally designed and had installed... a state of the art sound system designed to deliver subliminal messages beneath a variety of prepackaged nursery songs, all of them designed to chip away at an aspect of the subjects’ maturity. Megan gleefully scanned through the menus, selected a subliminal designed to erode Ashley’s continence and another to induce thumb sucking and chuckled to herself as she hit play.

Reclining on her stomach and poking listlessly at the toys in front of her, Ashley was actually considering trying to take a nap when the music kicked in above her... light, tinkling melodies designed for the most sensitive of tiny ears. She groaned, the sickeningly sweet music filled the room and wormed it’s way through her ears and into her brain. Although it wasn’t loud or obtrusive, there was something oddly infectious about it... she could feel the tune getting stuck in her mind like an annoying pop song already.

     She settled in, trying to ignore the heavy pile in the seat of her pants weighing down on the soft, smooth cheeks of her tushy. Ashley yawned... she was embarrassed to admit it, but the cutesy nursery music seemed to be doing it’s job; she was beginning to feel quite sleepy. She folded her hands and rested her cheek on it, feeling herself lulled to sleep. The world went dark, everything fading... everything except for that strange music, which seemed to follow her into her dreams.

Ms. Simmons watched on the monitors as Ashley drifted off into dreamland on the floor of her crib, her pampers obviously stained and bulging behind her with a smelly load of poop. With a grin spreading over her face, she walked over to the window and gazed out at her creation, perfectly designed to her specifications... an instrument of justice, doling out appropriate punishments to deserving targets.

Finally, she thought, smugly gazing out over her empire of pampers and baby powder, all the naughty girls in the company will finally get exactly the treatment they deserve! Then--

     But she didn’t get a chance to finish her thought... instead, she gave a startled jump as one of the mechanical hands smacked into the glass in front of her. It held of course... the builders had assured her that the window could even withstand a gunshot.

     But there was something about the way that hand pawed at the glass, feeling for a weakness... almost as though it sensed her... and it wanted her... wanted to bring her into the nursery and...

     With a shudder, she made her way over to the console and typed a series of commands, watching the hand disappear slowly from sight, retreating back into it's housing within the floor. She ordered a total diagnostic followed by a system reboot... she would need to have all the kinks worked out before they moved the operation into the next phase.

     Simmons was still thinking about her encounter with the automaton at the window, but she tried to put it out of her mind as she called up the files of the her next possible test subjects.

Who should the next resident of the mechanical nursery be? Vote for your favorite candidate below-- and if you want to suggest a name and a reason she’d up for demotion, just let us know in the comments.







Not I said The Guy

This was a hard choice, but I had to go with Number One. She's just too damn sweet and innocent. I bet that's gotten her out of a lot of work. This girl (that I'm calling Megan) looks like the perfect playmate. Of course she'd look even cuter in a dirty diaper.