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Hey everyone,

You guys are (of course) allowed to quit and re-join this group whenever you like, as many times as you like, and as frequently as you like-- I understand how it is and I do the same thing too (I usually only belong to two or three other Patreons at a time myself.)

However, I've noticed a few of you (not many, just a couple) who seem to quit before the billing starts at the end of every month and then re-join after it's finished at the beginning of the next month. This is no longer allowed... I am now keeping a list of repeat offenders (again, just a couple) and I want you to know: I'm watching, and if I catch you doing it again, I'm going to have no choice but to ban you.

Again, this isn't directed to the vast majority of you and I DO NOT MIND IF YOU WANT TO QUIT AND RE-JOIN AT SOME POINT... but dodging payments won't be tolerated anymore.

(Of course, a lot of this could be solved if Patreon just charged you for the first month as soon as you joined before moving you to a monthly billing cycle, but, hey, what do I know?)

On a more positive note, I'm hoping to have the next installment of Demoted up this week (sorry about the wait on this one, guys), and I'm hoping to have the next part of Governess revisited up before the end of the month, so stay tuned!


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