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Before we begin, I'd like to say that I'm taking suggestions for our next installment of demoted-- if you have any suggestions about what you'd like to see Ashley eat for lunch in the next installment, let me know in the comments here and the audience participation tier will vote on them later this week.

Huge thanks as always to all my amazing subscribers. If you enjoy this story and you'd like to see more like it, don't forget to hit like and leave a comment below.

Messy, stinky, and sexually frustrated, Karen was dozing in the back seat, dreaming lazily, always aware of the hot, muddy mess in the seat of her diapers, weather she was squirming uselessly or forcing herself to sit still.  She was suspended between simmering rage and bubbling, frothy desire, fantasizing about both giving Julie a piece of her mind and getting a sexy and refreshing diaper change from her, all at the same time. Meanwhile, she was helpless to do anything but stew in her steaming hot mess, the bumps in the road causing her to shift ever so slightly in the goopy slurry in her pants, making it impossible for her to ignore it.

She was sleeping quite heavily, so she had no idea where they were when she felt the car finally come to a stop, Julie slipping it into park and turning off the engine. Her head popped up, and she found herself looking out the windows, trying to get a sense of her surroundings.  

Outside the car she saw a nondescript suburban neighborhood, no different from a dozen others throughout the city. Row after row of charming but generic houses stretched off as far as she could see in every direction, with no major landmarks of any kind… at least, not that she recognized.  

She shifted in her seat to check out the back window, instantly regretting it-- the thick, poopy mess in her britches squished beneath her, all hot and slimy against the delicate skin of her soft, dainty bottom. Karen felt her stomach roll in response. She realized, with her bottom lip quivering, that the mess had gotten into every nook and cranny… Julie knew she was going to have a long and difficult diaper change ahead of her.  

Suddenly, the door was open, and Julie was leaning in and unstrapping her. “Phew-wee!” She said, crinkling her nose as she freed Karen from the uncomfortable prison of her baby-seat, “That diaper is just getting riper by the second, isn’t it?”

She reached in, taking Karen by the hand and attempting to lead her out. “UH UH!” Karen protested from behind her pacifier, shaking her head furiously, terrified of being spotted… playing in private was one thing… but risking getting spotted in a sagging, stinky diaper was too much!

    “Are you arguing with mommy?” Julie said, hands on hips. Karen was frantically checking around, praying that nobody would come along. “You don’t want a spanking from mommy, do you?” Julie asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Karen certainly didn’t, especially considering that there was a genuine risk that she would find herself over Julie’s knee in the middle of someone’s front yard, getting her bottom paddled in a comically loaded diaper. She reluctantly climbed out, her face burning with shame in the sunlight. She fixed her eyes on the ground, not even checking to see if anyone was looking, and allowed Julie to take her hand and lead her up the walk to a house that looked almost indistinguishable to it’s neighbors, her messy pamper sagging behind her and forcing her to waddle like a toddler.


“Is this my new little Grandbaby?” Julie’s mother, Pamela, said, reaching out to pinch Karen’s blushing cheeks.

    “In the flesh and in diapers!” Julie gushed, brushing and tugging the dress into place on Karen’s body as she stood by awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably in her loaded, sagging diaper. Julie’s mother… apparently, her new “grandmother”-- was looking her over with glee, poking, prodding, and cooing over every frill and ruffle on her outfit.

     “Speaking of diapers,” a voice said from behind, and Karen whirled in time to see another young woman, just a few years older than Julie (and only a little younger than herself), enter through the kitchen and approach her with a crinkled nose. “PU! It smells like someone could use a change,” she said bluntly, pinching her nose shut and reaching around to pat her bottom.

Karen cringed, the mushy load was pressed firmly into her rump by the patting. Karen was mortified at the woman’s matter-of-fact approach to the situation ,and she was absolutely horrified at the thought of a dirty diaper change in front of a roomful of strangers. She looked at Julie, eyes wide, pleading…

But she found only a naughty grin waiting for her, and Julie reached into her diaper-bag, producing her big plastic changing mat, which she promptly began laying out on the living room floor. “Right as always, Mia,” Julie said, watching Karen with an evil smile. “Hear that, honey? Grandma and Auntie Mia are going to help me change you into a fresh pamper-- won’t that be nice?’

Karen took an instinctive step backwards, although she knew there was nowhere to run… and before she could even try, she found herself seized, her new “Auntie” and “Grandmother” taking her gently by the arms and leading her towards the changing mat.

     “Oh my,” the older woman said with a good natured crinkle of her nose, “you do have stinky britches, don’t you honey?”

    “I think maybe we should get this dress off,” Julie’s sister said practically, “to keep it from getting dirty.” Karen looked at her with wide, pleading eyes-- but Granny agreed, and before she knew it she’d been stripped down to socks and messy diapers.

Karen cringed in embarrassment, but she hardly even struggled as they led her over to the mat, the diaper squishing behind her with every step. Julie smiled at her as she spread the mat out on the ground, beautiful and absolutely in control. In spite of herself, Karen realized, to her horror, that her pussy was getting moist.

    “Come along, dear,” ‘Granny’ said, guiding her reluctantly to the floor with a slimy squish from the seat of her pampers. They eased her onto her back, and Karen felt a nauseous sense of vertigo as she gazed up at the three women towering over her, their smiles benevolent, but somewhat predatory, while she was squirming on her back in a squishy diaper, mute behind her pacifier gag… absolutely powerless to prevent what was about to happen.

They settled in a semi-circle around her, Granny at her head, Auntie to her right, and Julie between her legs, grinning as she reached up to tear the tapes on the front of her diaper open. Karen squeezed her eyes shut and fought back a sob, even as her pussy grew hotter and wetter by the second.

She felt the front panel being pulled down, a lone tear trickling down her cheek when she heard the women gasp at the sight of the hot, gooey mess in her pants.

     “Oh my!” Grandma exclaimed, covering her mouth demurely. “That most certainly is a poopy diaper!”

     “Phew! I’m glad you’re in charge of the diaper changes for this little stinker and not me, Julie!” Auntie laughed, fanning her face dramatically.

     “Well, ladies,” Julie said with a sigh, “that loaded diaper isn’t going to change itself, so I guess it’s time we got to work.”

Behind her pacifier, Karen’s lip started to quiver, her heart hammering loudly in her chest when she felt Auntie Mia take her ankles into her hand and lift her legs to expose her messy backside to the room. Julie just chuckled at the sight of Karen’s delectable buns coated in a sticky brown mess.  

Karen held her breath when she heard Julie draw the first baby wipe from the nearby container…


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