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When she went up to her room for the night, Jenna found Lynn’s diary laying on the foot of her bed... like it was waiting for her. She frowned... didn’t the detective say she was taking it? Jenna picked it up and studied it, wondering what had happened. It was like something out of a novel, she thought-- could the diary be the thing that would break the mystery open and reveal what had happened to her sister? Sitting in a big, overstuffed armchair near the window, she flipped it open and began scanning the pages, absorbing the neat handwriting.

     It didn’t take long to realize that the diary didn’t contain any major revelations-- at least, not in any overt way. Lynn talked about her writing, about buying the house and moving in. She talked about researching her next book-- something about a woman-- an author who creates the ideal man on paper… and how he begins to break through into the real world and take over her life. Jenna smiled at the thought... that’s the Lynn that I know, she thought with a smile, remembering simpler times.

     The evening wore on. Jenna yawned, frowning. The diary had just started to get good, with Lynn describing the research she was doing... and a bit about her mystery man, whom she referred to simply as D. Her story was apparently based on a book by another woman, Irene Campbell. In this book, she discusses the creation of her ideal man utilizing ancient meditative techniques to form a being of living ideas. Apparently the book didn’t discuss the outcome... and Lynn’s diary was scant on the details.

     However, Jenna was able to glean one further piece of information... apparently, this house, the one that Lynn had so recently bought, had once belonged to none other than one Irene Campbell, who had apparently been relatively well known in her day... who, it turned out, had vanished one night under mysterious circumstances. Jenna shivered in her chair, her head nodding sleepily. Two women with similar occupations and similar personalities, she thought with a yawn. Both drawn to the same house... and both vanish without a trace… Too many similarities to be a coincidence… Right?

     Jenna had no idea how long she dozed in the chair, snoring softly, before the knocking emerged. A gentle rapping, like someone tapping their knuckles on glass. She looked over to the window, squinting, blurry-eyed, seeing nothing.

     It came again, stronger this time... and it definitely wasn’t coming from the window. Standing and stretching, she followed the sound across the room, coming nearer and nearer to the full length, antique mirror on the other side. Standing before it, Jenna peered inside and gasped.

     “Lynn?!” she uttered, shocked to discover that she was looking into her sister’s face instead of her own reflection.

     Lynn grinned broadly in response, waving delightedly from the other side of the mirror, separated by a thin layer of glass, but seemingly a thousand miles apart to Jenna.

     Jenna’s mind filled with questions and statements-- so many she couldn’t even keep them straight... should she ask Lynn where she had been? Tell her that the cops had been at the house looking for her? But it was then that one question lept to the forefront of her mind: “Lynn,” Jenna asked her sister, frowning, “what are you wearing?”

     The dress was pink, and the bottom of it was quite high... Jenna estimated it probably stopped just below her crotch, but it was hard to tell, because the layers of cartoonishly puffy petticoats underneath raised them even higher, revealing what appeared from her position to be a bulky diaper underneath. Her long, shapely legs were totally bare to the ankles, which were adorned with ruffled socks, and below that a pair of hard, glossy, leather Mary Janes with a shiny gold buckle on top. She looked ridiculous... but if Lynn realized, she showed no sign: she smiled brightly at her sister, placing her palm flat against the glass and signaling for her to come closer.

     Slowly, reluctantly, Jenna edged herself towards the mirror. With shaking fingers, she reached out toward the glass and pressed her palm flat against her sisters. For a moment, their hands overlapped, nearly the exact same size and shape… Lynn smiled sweetly, serenely… Jenna felt a sense of calm coming over her, and she returned the smile without thinking.

     She gasped when she felt strong, steely fingers around her wrist. Looking down, she realized that Lynn had somehow reached through the glass to grip her by the arm. Panicked, she tried to pull away... but her sister had her gripped tightly, and she was pulling steadily with that cheerful grin still on her face. Jenna frantically tugged, trying to pull herself free, her other hand flailing behind her, trying to find something to anchor herself with. But her efforts were in vain, and her hand disappeared into the mirror, followed quickly by her wrist and her forearm. Jenna let out a shriek, digging in her heels, in a last-ditch effort to save herself.

     But Lynn’s grip was unbreakable, her strength seemed almost superhuman, and within seconds, Jenna found herself pulled through the frame, through the rippling glass and into the world beyond.

     She was on the floor, her cheek against the soft shag of the carpet. Her head was swimming, and Jenna emitted a disoriented groan. Somewhere close by, someone was laughing. Jenna lifted her head and scanned the room, coming face to face with a familiar pair of Mary Jane shoes beneath a familiar pair of bare legs.

     “Upsie-daisy!” said a voice she recognized almost as much as her own.. Jenna felt a pair of soft hands pulling her up, helping her get her balance. Jenna staggered to her feet, dizzy and disoriented.  

     “You OK, sis?”

     She groaned in response, but she was still right enough to look and see that she was indeed addressing her older sister-- and that said older sister was indeed dressed like a giant two year old. Jenna stared at the strange getup, not sure is she should laugh or be highly disturbed. For as long as she’d known her, Lynn had always been fashionable and trendy, and  she prepared her hair and make-up every morning with almost ritualistic attention to detail. To see her looking like an over-sized Betsy-Wetsy doll was jarring to say the least.

     “It’s so good to see you!” Lynn exclaimed happily, wrapping her sister up in a big hug, her petticoats swishing and her diapers crinkling behind her. Jenna stiffly returned the embrace, pleased to see her sister looking alright, but worried about exactly where they were and what was going on.

     “Lynn?” Jenna said, confused. She was looking around, discovering that she was in an exact replica of the room she was staying in-- except...

     Everything was much bigger. The chairs were so big she would need a boost to sit in them, the bed so high she would have to carefully climb out of it if she wanted to get down. The windows were so high above her head she couldn’t see out of them even on her tippy toes, and if the door wasn’t open a crack, she doubted they could’ve gotten out-- unless she had Lynn sit on her shoulders so she could turn the nob.

     She looked at Lynn, feeling a chill-- in that outfit, against this huge setting, she really did look like a toddler. Reaching out, Lynn took her hand and led her towards the door. “Come on,” she said brightly, “He really wants to meet you!”


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