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Hi everyone,

In an effort to snag as many potential voters as possible, I've decided to combine the polls and the stories into one post. Unfortunately, that means that those of you who pledge less than $8 won't be able to read it here on Patreon... however, I will still be posting the stories the next day on my blog, as well as on tumblr, DeviantArt, and Daily Diapers. I hope this doesn't rub anyone the wrong way, if you don't like it then let me know in the comments and we'll figure something out.


Not I said The Guy

This shouldn't rub anyone the wrong way. You've been overtly generous with your content and I think that throwing a couple of bucks your way is the very least we can do to show our gratitude. Besides, I like voting after I read the story. Keep up the awesome work. People, THIS is worth paying for.