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This was the original concept to see if people would be interested in asking my characters questions and having me draw them answering said questions

This was a thing I saw on tumblr back in the day and I wanted to do it very badly, but twitter didn't really work the same way as tumblr used to. So I figured out it's much easier to do it through discord and I've been doing it there every now and then.

Also if there's any interest from all of you wonderful people in asking any of my characters questions, I'd be a lot more interested in doing yours specifically. So if your interested feel free to toss a question or two in the Supportist Subway, or the talk-to-my-ocs channel on discord!
Or if you don't like discord then you can drop a question here if you'd like




Sure!: What Does Kira Like To Do In Her Spare Time? (And Do Her Big Boobs Get In The Way?)


Solid questions, but I already did those haha 28 and 46 https://www.patreon.com/posts/oc-asks-28-44206442 https://www.patreon.com/posts/oc-asks-46-44207192