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TLDR: Changing the polls to anything you feel like suggesting?

SO, I had a little idea that might make people more interested in the polls. What if I were to offer anything in the polls? For example, you could ask for "Another animated edit of Harley" or "An animation of Wren swinging her dick around" or "A list of your waifus" or "FEET PIC" or "Go back to doing OC asks" etc etc. Really just anything you want, instead of just the usual 'Draw a character you supportists suggest' thing.
What do you guys think?

I'm very tempted to throw in a joke option but I'd like genuine answers lol
One choice per person
Like I always say, I just want to make supporting me worth while and I don't want people to feel like I've not been giving them what they pay for. So any feedback, whether via poll or comment, is ALWAYS extremely appreciated!



I don't mind giving that idea a go, I'm kinda torn between putting down animated tiddy edits (any char of your choosing is fine) or OC asks. Love both of those


Well you got plenty of time to choose, and if it comes down to it and theres still people who haven't given in their suggestion I could just put in both haha


Do Debbie Turnbull bro