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Woooo it's finally time for me to dig in and post all my old stuff I suppose

Also random tangent, I see a lot of people telling me I'm not active enough on here when they stop being a patreon, and while I get it, this is a two way street guys!
I wanna hear from you!
It seems like it's only ever Jard and once and a while a few others, who comment
I'd be more excited about interacting with you guys if you actually did it in the first place y'know?
I'm not a scary person I swear!
I know how hard it can be anxiety wise sometimes, but try not to worry about that so much.
TLDR I wanna hear from you guys more, and that will encourage me to be more active here
I really appreciate the support, but I wan't to hear your people's opinion on things so I can get better in the future

shit that kinda wen't on for longer than a tldr should whoops
also is my rambling annoying or would you rather me go back to being silent?



I don't mind you voicing what's on your mind Yeti, communication always helps. Not sure what the peeps who unpledged mean exactly, but as patrons all we can do really is comment on your doodles we like. Longer discussions are prolly better on Discord though imo, just seems more convenient


Oh for sure I'm not saying write paragraphs just a simple "nice" every so often on some of the ones people really like means WAY MORE than you'd think