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Hey guys!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, update 1.2 of Burning Fever is being a massive pain the butt, with some bugs I must fix before I can release it.
I was hoping to have version 1.2 ready and out there before the end of this month, but at this point it makes more sense to release it in February instead. As I haven't even gotten all the bugs out yet.

Luckily Patreon allows creators like me to pause the billing schedule, which I just did.

For my current patrons this means that you will not be charged this February 1st,
as you already paid during the last billing cycle. Your January membership is extended to the end of February.

The only thing different is for the patrons, that also already unsubscribed.
As Patreon will see your membership as expired at the end of this month, and thus won't let you access the patron zone on my website. So, I'll be sending you a download link by email instead. 

Sorry I didn't get version 1.2 ready this month, you guys.
But with so many new patrons joining in this month, I really want to make sure the upcoming update is the best I can make it.

Take care and stay safe everyone!




Drew Beri

no problem. just make sure to release within the next 30 days


Take your time man , love your work ;)

Drew Beri

didn't the title say february 11th before?


I guess they had some troubles. Better be patient to have a quality job. This game is awesome, if they need more time I'm happy to give them

Drew Beri

it's all fine as long as it's getting released within the next 2 weeks. the point is these things are leaving a bad impression.


Yeah, you're absolute right. I really need to improve on my "Setting release date" skills. As soon as I've got it ready, I'll release it. So, shouldn't be longer than a couple of days. I removed the specific date as I was at that point, still fighting against the buggy game engine regarding some code changes that I just couldn't get to work. V1.2 is besides a content addition, also a huge code update. So, that hopefully in the future, I'll have to spend little time on coding and most of my monthly time on getting more content in it instead.