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hey guys, thanks again for all the support, I'm posting this pretty late so im going to keep this short.

I spent a couple of days this week hard at work on a game im working on based around my "magic lady" OC (her name still not official) I basically stripped back my  game concept form a few weeks ago and re-worked it to be something far more simplistic, based on a single character. Its not based on only one character and I think "magic lady" is the prefect fit, in the folder I put some new concept drawings for her. most of my time so far has gone to code and understanding ren'py/python. I want to put some fun systems in place so that it doesn't just feel like a run of the mill renpy game. After 3 days straight of leaning, implanting and debugging code until I felt unwell I finally got a card system in place.

There isn't much to see yet but under the hood I think think I've crossed over most of the major hurdles that I was most worried about. all the assets are temp so don't worry about how poor it all looks, I've been experimenting with animations and bending the renpy default functions to my will. 

for the cards , I don't want to go into detail yet but the essentially you play as her social media manager and  you combine them to construct content for "magic lady's" social media account.

finally I just want to add that I'm still using the request forum I posted last month, there are so many and I'm down to do a couple more. I'll likely be streaming this on picarto.tv  .



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