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Not as strong as last week's sketch bundle but that was a lot bigger than usual, I spent a lot of time this week doing of other creative stuff outside for my usual sketching, like 3d modeling, 2d animation, experimenting with ai/rpgmaker/pokemonromhacks (I decided I'm not making an rpg or romhack, too much work) and in the physical world I was making an effort to declutter and clean my workspace (new chair and desk(much bigger one suit's my cintiq better)). 

STREAMS! so I spent some times creating a new stream layout and I want to get into a more casual streaming routine, maybe a routine? its worth a shot, ill update you guys here if I create a stream schedule. (on picarto.tv/fooooly btw)

PATREON COMISSIONS. so I said id continue doing patreon commissions after the beta and I still plan on doing that. because I got guilted into doing the right thing I am doing a couple more drawings for the beta tier patrons than I was anticipating when I said I would relaunch in February, so until I'm done with all the beta tier drawings I wont be re-launching the tier. (ive been lagging on delivery for them aswell, they should be done by now)

anyway that's about all I got to say, I figured I should give some kind of update since if forgot to last month. 



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