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hey first i just want to make things clear because i got a few pm's about 18$ pledge

i wont be doing sketch's for 18$ backers this month (december) becuase i dont think any money was taken out for the month.

now as for the requests i have been doing pretty much every one a get as a way of saying thanks, but next month i wont have as much time to do as many 

and finally the exclusive pictures, i dont think i can keep this up , the art i make here is only gona be seen by 22 (very special, meaningfull, important) eyes. the art make is kinda reflective of my tallent i want to make sure my best stuff is available to everyone 

and finally again, im streaming later :), i feel like this request thing is becoming less of a reward becuase im constantly asking for them, but if anyone is intrested im gonna do some requests on stream later. ill check back on here during the stream to see if any have been sent. if you want to send the same one again thats fine i did most of the requests but its hard to keep track of them all 



FYI- you don't get the money we pledged until the beginning of the month. Every month it'll be taking out of our accounts at the end of the month and you will recieve it the next day. That's how that works. Hope this helps. Love the art, keep it up ^_^


Holy cow, that's a great deal.

fooooly (edited)

Comment edits

2022-06-25 14:06:51 Amen
2016-12-18 16:27:50 yea i thought that was how it works i just want to make sure they at least pledge for one month before i do the commission,otherwise they could just pull out now with me already doing their sketch for free

yea i thought that was how it works i just want to make sure they at least pledge for one month before i do the commission,otherwise they could just pull out now with me already doing their sketch for free


It's no problem hombre. To be completely honest with you, rather than exclusive stuff I'd love to see older stuff. Sketches, process stuff, older pics and the like.


yea od say thats what i will be posting here i tend to just upload everything i do to drop box


Is there a limit to how many requests we can submit per month? I would love to make more, but I don't wanna be obnoxious about it, or drown out other requesters or anything.