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"Who are you?" The black haired girl repeats.

"Gaius Decarabia. Pure blooded devil of the Malthus and Decarabia clans. I am also this generation's red dragon emperor and a super devil comparable to the leaders of my political faction. Who are you?" I question as I look up and down the small girl again.

The girl's emotionless eyes stare into my own.


"How do you keep defeating my pawns? The first... a fluke... he was weak... but the second was strong... I made him stronger... then my three devils... you toyed with them? How?"

"I'm just strong." I reply easily. "Also, you still haven't answered my question. Who exactly are you? I mean, you are clearly powerful, seeing as how you have entered my home without my notice, but beyond that?"

"I am infinite." The girl states. "I am Ophis."

"Well, Ophis, care to join me?" I ask as I gesture to the tub.

The dragon of incredible power tilts her head slightly and floats off the ground.

She floats over me then slowly lowers into the water, staring blankly at me. She takes a place directly across from me with an indifferent stare.

She looks down at my lack of clothes and tilts her head.

Her skimpy clothing disappears with a puff and a slight hiss as wisps of darkness flow around her.

"So, Ophis, why have you come to find me?"

She points a finger at me. "You broke my pawns... join me or I'll kill you."

"What... is your goal exactly?" I question.

"I want to return home... I want to kick Baka Red out of my silence." The girl declares with her same, bored impassive stare and tone.

"Why?" I ask.

The girl blinks slowly tilting her head. "Because he is annoying and interrupting my silence."

"Why is he annoying?" I ask.

"Loud." The girl simply states, sinking down into the water with a relieved expression.

"Have you never taken a bath before?" I mutter in confusion.

"I am always clean. It was too much effort." The infinite dragon replies, her eyes slowly drifting closed as she sits there in the water.

"I am aware of your Khaos Brigade thing... and you are... perhaps a little foolish to think those people will actually help you."

A single eye opens, a pressure descending on me. "Hm?"

"Some certainly may, but the vast majority? They only want to use you. They merely want to use your power for their own gain. Perhaps even attempt to kill you."

"I am infinite. I cannot die."

"That is actually not correct. All beings can die... and there is one thing that can utterly defeat you... a poison created by Samael. Someone who is currently sealed within the deepest parts of the underworld. His power is at its strongest against Serpents and Dragons, yet it would kill an ultimate class being without any draconic traits just the same. For a dragon that has serpent qualities? It wouldn't matter if you are 'infinite' you would more than likely be forced to get rid of a large portion of your power, making you less infinite."

The girl blinks slowly, showing no real emotion.

"Why don't you leave them all behind and join me?"

The girl gives me her classic deadpan stare. "Can you kill Great Red?"

"Not as I am right now, no. The most I could probably do to him is possibly make him bleed... just the tiniest amount. But then again, more than likely a better chance of doing it than your current group." I announce.

She stares for a moment and tilts her head.

"I can also do this."

I summon a golden cookie.

She reaches out and takes the cookie, eating it in one bite.

Her eyes widen as she flinches, showing the first real emotion she has shown since getting here. Genuine surprise.

"More." She demands.

I summon an entire platter of cookies from my dimensional storage and sit them on a nearby table.

She wordlessly begins eating the cookies.

I sit in silence, allowing her to eat her cookies and close my eyes, relaxing in the bath and absolutely ignoring the extremely powerful dragon in front of me.

"More." She commands once more.

A tray of brownies appears atop the empty plate as I raise a finger without even looking.

"You can have sweets whenever you want if you join me? What do you say?" I proposition as I crack open a single eye.

The girl pauses, brownie in hand, an inch from her mouth and tilts her head. "Will you beat up baka red?"

"Eventually I'll give it my best attempt."

She leans forwards and sniffs me. "You... smell stronger than most of my pawns... ok. I'll stay."

Alright. Part one is done. How do I segue into talk about sex?

She stares blankly down into the water and tilts her head. "Are you... aroused?"

"Yeah? I'm sat across from a nude girl. That's pretty stimulating." I shrug.

"Hn okay." The girl states as she goes back to eating brownies.

There it is. My in.

"You make it sound like you have never been aroused."

The girl shakes her head. "No. Nothing has ever made me want to take a mate. And it wouldn't matter as I don't know if I can have children... but If I did pick one, I want to be able to beat them up if they are mean to me. So, I want them to be weaker than me... but I also want them to be pretty strong. Second to only me."

She seemingly gets an idea, stopping her eating and staring at me for a long moment, her gaze bores into my own.

She abruptly stands, water dripping from her petite body as she slowly marches forwards.

She grabs both sides of my head, causing me to raise an eyebrow in amusement.

She slowly turns my head. Looking over my face with a blank frown.

She releases me a moment later, turns around, and promptly takes a seat in my lap.

"You are mine now." She declares as her back rests against my chest.

She holds out a hand and another brownie telekinetically flies into her hand.

"Wait... are you claiming me as your mate?" I mutter, quietly thanking the heavens for how easy that was.


She tilts her head as she looks back at me, then looks to my Erect member in between her thighs.

She nods once. "Mn. You smell nice and are strong."

"Alright." I shrug. "I'll admit being mated to the most powerful being in the universe does sound a little exciting~"

My eyes narrow. "But I'll tell you now, I have a harem. And if you hurt them because 'you want me all to yourself' I will make you bleed. Dragon god or not."

she pauses mid-brownie. "I don't care... if you have a harem. I want to be a part of it."

I nod slowly, seeing that we have reached an understanding. "Well, welcome to the family Ophis. I'm sure you'll fit right in."


I lean forwards and whisper into her pointed elf-like ear. "Oh. And between you and me, I have a special ability to impregnate anything with a female form. I could breed an animated statue if I really wanted. So yes. We can have a child."


She shifts slightly on my lap, blinking slowly in confusion. "Okay... I'll remember that."


"Gaaaai-taaa-" the magical girl skipping into my office freezes at the black haired loli sat in my lap.

"Oh. Hello Serafall."



"Did you need something?" I question with a bright smile, enjoying her dumbfounded stare.

A Green haired man enters the room after her and flinches, eyes growing wide.

I smirk and pat the head of the incredibly powerful dragon in my lap. "Oh? Ajuka too? I take it that there is something quite important going on if you are both here."

"Er... yes..." Ajuka states slowly. "It is something related to Remnant, I believe that I have figured out how to restore the magic to the world, however it will take some time, I thought it would be good to go ahead and start."

"Ah, well, alright." I hum as I pick up the Loli dragon, stand up, and place her in my chair, she blinks slowly at me as I walk around the table.

I snap my fingers, causing most of the paperwork on the table to disappear and get replaced by numerous sweets.

A screen comes down from the roof, showing the face of the pink haired head maid of the Decarabia estate.

"Yes, Master?"

"I'm going out. Tell anyone that comes here to leave." I command as I come to a halt beside Serafall and Ajuka. "Also, keep Ophis entertained with more desserts. If she asks for them."

"As you wish." The maid bows.

With that, we teleport away.

Serafall Turns the instant we re-appear.

"Gai-tan why the fuck is Ophis the infinite dragon god in your office?!"

"She has apparently been watching me for a while." I explain calmly as I step forwards towards the incomplete station. "I have defeated several of her pawns, apparently. Treating most as if they were mere children... she then, of course, demanded that I join her, in which case, I talked her into joining me instead after I gave her food. She then proclaimed that I am her mate and now just hangs around."

Serafall stares blankly at me for a long moment. "So... you are a super devil who is more than likely on par with Sirzechs... and Ajuka here..."


"That has the boosted gear."


"A devil who has managed to bring the lady of the lake out of hiding, and potentially bring the entire Fey faction back to supernatural politics at large..."


"Has solved the devil race's fertility problems, discovered dimensional travel, and has several Longinus in his peerage?"


She brings her hands to her temples. "And now you are saying that you have brought Ophis the infinite dragon to your side because you gave her extremely good food and are strong enough for her to want to breed you."

"That about sums my life up, yes." I smile brightly with a quick nod. "What's even more astounding is that I have accomplished this all in like... three years."

"Who knows what I'll be doing in one hundred, am I right?" I question with a lazy shrug.

Serafall sharply inhales then exhales. "Let's just fix the magic and be done with it. Then I can see about convincing the adorable Ruby-chan to be my sister's servant."

With a flash we cross the veil between dimensions.


"So, we just need to find you a small Ley line, one which you can crack open?" I question as I cross my arms, a confused frown on my face.

"That is correct." Ajuka nods once. "After said point, it will create an area of magic that is anywhere from a few feet to several hundred feet across."

"And what will the point of that be?" I ask slowly as we walk through my own variant of the underworld.

Construction of the main city is nearing completion, there will of course always be more room for expansion, however as I am unsure if this housing will be suitable for the influx of people who will arrive.

"The point of starting small is that the area will not remain the same. By opening even a single ley line we begin to heal the damage to the world. It will certainly take time, potentially even centuries, yet the world will eventually heal... after we find a suitable Ley line, the area of magic it creates will allow Remnant to create mages. It will create an area that should allow people to unlock the full capabilities of their semblance and recharge their magic, then upon leaving and using magic elsewhere, the mana will steadily find its way back to the Ley line, increasing its overall size minutely."

"So if we were to create a school in this area..." I begin.

"The area of magical power will steadily grow further and further, gaining explosive growth with each additional ley line convergence it reaches." Ajuka nods.

"Hn. Hn." I hum twice as I nod slowly. "Well, I believe I know a few places which could work. Which would you prefer. One reasonably close to a town or one in the middle of nowhere that could allow us to build up a town around it?"

"I believe that a keeping it far away from an established town would be preferable... this way we can sort of control what forms of semblances are upgraded while we are still in the early stages of our plan." Ajuka supplies as we continue walking. He appears to be scrutinizing the under Constuction city, it seems to get his approval judging by how he nods once.

"That is true." I mutter as I cup my chin. "Well, I know just the place. Shall we?"

I offer a hand to the two extremely powerful beings.

With a flash we are teleported from the Abyss and towards Remnant.


"Welcome to the middle of fucking nowhere!" I grin as I gesture around a quiet forest, a small babbling brook splits the clearing we are stood within in half.

"We are currently located roughly half way in between Vale and Vacuo, one thousand five hundred or so miles to the south west of Mountain Glenn!" I hop over the little stream and look around. "This is among four places where the leylines are the weakest."

"And you know this... because?" The green haired man mutters.

"Oh, I know everything!" I smile brightly as I turn and walk towards a frankly massive tree and place my hand upon it.

This tree right here is where two Ley lines meet, some of the power bled over and grew this tree to about six times the normal size of an oak tree.

This would be a pretty badass start for a mage tower.

The green haired Satan looks over the tree a smile briefly crossing his face "Yes, I do believe that this will do nicely... please step back, this might have some explosive results."

"Alright." I shrug as I turn around and lazily walk to the other side of the babbling brook.

"Let's see here." I hear the satan mutter under his breath. "I just need to- ah there we go!"

Multicolored crystals force themselves to the surface and begin glowing in unison.

"Oh boy. Time for a kaboo-" *BOOM*

Elements of all sorts blast throughout the area, shards of ice skitters across the ground, fires shoot upwards as bolts of lightning and rock deform the surroundings.

The smoke clears, revealing the three of us completely and totally unharmed due to a timely shield spell. Not that we would have been harmed in the first place with such a meager explosion.

I frown slightly as the big cool tree was reduced to splinters. Damn.

The general air around us feels different, more lively and less stale. I feel rejuvenated by my mere presence here.

The world is healing.

We just don't know how fast.

Ajuka nods once in approval as he looks around. "It looks like the area of magic is a thirty-meter diameter with the center being the crossed Ley Lines."

I stare blankly at him for a moment.

'Ah. Thirty meters is just under one hundred feet.'

I glance around. "This should be reasonable space for an academy. It's also a fairly decent region for a kingdom. The fifth true kingdom. Or rather, sixth if the human race stopped being so foolishly racist and acknowledged the home of a clearly superior race to be a true kingdom."

'Something is coming.'

I pause abruptly and slowly look upwards. "Hn? What was that, Ddraig??"

Serafall and Ajuka tense, throwing up a barrier around us in an instant.


A pillar of light strikes the earth a short distance away, utterly vaporizing the trees for a good several hundred feet and blowing down everything roughly a mile beyond that, a massive crater is formed as the light washes over the Satan formed barrier.

Eventually the light clears, revealing two figures, the first a solid man made of purple glowing light, he has long curved horns atop his head, sort of like a ram, the second is yellowish in color, taller and more built than the first, he also has two large antlers atop his head.

The purple one lets out a low growl and crouches to the ground. "Tch- what insignificant gnat dared to-"

They both look up to see us standing defiant against their entrance, the only life in the area forms a cone going outwards placed just behind us, our shield having saved a large majority of it.

"Who... are you?" He questions.

"Greetings, lost gods of Remnant." Serafall bows her head slightly. "My name is Serafall Leviathan of the devil faction."

The purple one abruptly raises a hand and shoots a purple blast of energy at us.

I step forwards and bat it aside with practiced ease, the orb making contact with the earth a good several hundred feet away and creating a globe of purple destructive energy.

The twin gods of Remnant seem slightly surprised at the sheer nonchalance I did that with.

"What?" The purple one whispers, his featureless head tilting slightly.

I look over my shoulder to the two satans. "Should I just kill them?"

'Partner. Be careful. By all means that was akin to them trying to swat an insect. They both are slightly stronger than either Albion or myself back when we were in our primes.'

"If they are this unreasonable... do you think you could do it?" The magical girl questions.

"We are the owners of this world. We have created everything you see... the first thing you do after breaking our command is threaten our lives?! Tch. Foolish mortals." The yellow one scoffs. "Perhaps we were originally correct."

"I who am about to awaken." I intone boredly. "Am the burning draconic devil who has stolen the principals of creation from god."

My legs lengthen and become digitigrade as my twin gauntlets appear on my hands, my hands shake as my gauntlet's claw-like fingers, I grow larger and larger as black flames seem to lick across my body, with a sudden spray of fire two large flaming wings appear on my back, stylized as dragon wings without the membrane.

"I have conquered the 'infinite', and am the bane of the 'Dream'."

My face elongates as my balance breaker armor covers my entire body.

It fuses with my flesh as my teeth become elongated and sharpened, the two gods before me just stare in silent shock, then they also begin to transform into dragons, the purple one swiftly transforming into a massive purple western dragon, while the gold becomes a long eastern dragon.

"YOU! GOD WHO DARES TREAD UPON OUR LAND!" The younger brother, the dark god roars.

"I shall become the true red dragon of domination..." I intone in a low guttural tone, the dirt beneath my feet abruptly turns to molten slag.

"Brother!" The gold dragon hisses. "Look at what your foolishness has caused!"

"And I shall turn all of my foes to ash." I finish, completing my transformation.

Ddraig and I speak at the same time. "Juggernaut Drive."


An almost incoherent sound echoes from the gemstones littering my new body as Ddraig declares a boost, his voice overlapping and distorting as I am swiftly brought to my maximum in an instant. Hell, beyond my normal maximum thanks to Juggernaut Drive.

I stare down the two dragon gods... all is calm for a moment...

I appear to be almost completely made of black flames, slightly bipedal-esque.

A smile forms on my draconic snout. "You brought this upon yourselves."

I lunge forwards, clawed fingers gripping around the throats of the two dragon 'gods'.

And suddenly we are in space.


Pov: elsewhere.

A black haired woman and a green haired man are left in awe as they stare up at the sky.

The magical girl's hands shake as she stares blankly. "What the fuck is this?! He was that powerful?!"

"I assumed he would be around this strength when he claimed to have someone comparable to the heavenly dragons within his peerage, but... this is slightly above my estimations. Even a regular nonmagical human preforming a juggernaut drive could grow to near ultimate class in an instant... it is reasonable to say that as he is now... even the top ten strongest in the world may have slight difficulty in dealing with him... if they could at all." The green haired Satan mutters.

Both of the satan class beings' skin is reddened from the sheer heat that the teen exuded for a moment before taking off.

"You are saying that nothing can touch him as he is now?!" The black haired girl mutters.

"I am. The only thing that could reasonably challenge him as he is right now would probably be Hindu gods... or Ophis. But the latter seems to be a nonfactor." Ajuka answers as he watches three streams of light arc throughout the stratosphere.

"The devil race has some true pulling power as of right now." The man continues. "If Sirzechs and myself stopped the other races from lashing out because of fear of what we may do... I believe that Gaius here will unsettle them into silence... provided he reveals his full strength to the world, of course. Which I do not believe he plans on doing."

The magical girl lets out a quiet sigh as the lights in the sky begin to dim. "Well, I suppose it was bound to happen at some point."


I duck under a tail slap, dragging my claws along the side of the large lung dragon as I spiral past a beam from the mouth of the other.

"You two are pathetic." I scoff. "Gods? You? Don't make me laugh. You are barely stronger than my partner yet you lord your powers over others like you are something special."


"Sure." I hum. "But want to know one difference between us?"

"I'm alive."

The world seems to shift as a head flies through the surroundings, quietly flipping end over end in the endless void of space.

I turn and disappear again, punching a hole cleanly through the chest of the other dragon.

His head lolls back as I tear my arm free, a beating organ of white light clutched in between my claws.

With a spray of yellowish liquid I crush it utterly, causing the long dragon to stiffen slightly.

I stare down the rapidly dying dragon god as it struggles in my grasp.

After around fifty seconds... it stops moving entirely, falling limp.

"Well! That was certainly fun! I never get to use this form! It's like an old suit I never get to wear... because whenever I put it on someone dies."

I grab the dragon corpses and cancel my transformation, morphing back into my humanoid form, I grab the souls of the two powerful dragons and stuff them within my dimensional storage as they coalesce into two large orbs roughly the size of a water melon. then with a flash I am back on the ground.

A Quest has been Completed!

I look around the area briefly, spying the two Satans swiftly flying over.

I roll my shoulders slightly as I quietly walk over. "So, that was mildly fun. It also takes out the largest threat this world held so we should probably be good in making it public after a short 'trial' period to shape the laws and supernatural landscape of this world."

"Gai-Tan..." Serafall frowns as she crosses her arms slightly. "How long have you been able to control juggernaut drive?!"

"Uh, roughly since I found a third dimension." I blankly explain.

"A... third dimension?"

I glance to Ajuka. "You didn't tell her?"

"Honestly, it merely slipped my mind. I was working on this method of fixing the planet tirelessly for a few weeks now. I had also assumed that you told the other satans. I did mention your knight, however."

"Ah. I see." I glance back to Serafall. "Tldr on the new world. Fucking horrifying. Never officially connecting it to any of our worlds because of the zombie microbe and the living mass of pulsing, oozing flesh that is constantly expanding, then the fucking giant space worm god, make this world a little... difficult... to bother with."

I smile with a slight shrug. "The materials are just too good though, so I keep going back."

"Is there anything else you want to tell me so I won't be utterly dumbfounded eventually?!" The black haired magical girl questions.

I begin silently counting on my fingers.

I look up slowly. "I'm working on a weapon so powerful it can rend space with a single swing and kill gods effortlessly."


"Why?" She asks cautiously.

"Oh, just to have... and the general idea I have for it looks really, really cool." I smile as I think about other things I haven't really spoken about.

"Hm. Did you know I can make sacred gears? Like... actual ones? With complete powers and balance breakers?"

"You can do what now?" The woman questions with an owlish blink.

"I'm sure I've mentioned it to you at some point. Hm." I mutter as I tilt my head. "Ah well, doesn't really matter I suppose. I just did it to flex on Azazel. Moreso than fucking his daughter already does."

I gesture to the two dragon corpses laying on the ground behind me. "Anyways, Ajuka, you can have those, just be sure to save me a couple of bones, teeth, scales, and pieces of their horns. Enough to make a blade each."

"I... don't believe I will be taking any of the bones, scales, teeth or horns. But I do wish to take a look at their organs." The man states. "You could probably make a fair number of decent weapons out of the two once I am finished. I am inexperienced with blacksmithing techniques, so I will leave it to you."

"Oh. The yellow one had his heart crushed. Sorry. Let me fix that." I quickly apologize as I turn, waving a hand at the two corpses, the messy hole in the center of the yellow god's chest knits up, while the purple dragon's head places itself securely back on its shoulders.

I look to Serafall as I slowly strut over to her. "Soooo, wanna go see Ruby now?"

She rubs her temples, trying to get rid of the headache I have given her in the past hour. "Yes. Yes I would."

"Let's go!" I cheer as I create a teleportation circle.

The black haired woman lets out a quiet sigh before wrapping her arms around my body and pressing my face into her breasts, ruffling my hair as she does so. "I can't stay annoyed at you, Gai-tan. You are just so CUTE!"



I rap my knuckles on the door with a small smile and wait.

It opens a moment later, revealing a blonde man.

He frowns instantly upon seeing me. "What do you want?"

"I am here to speak with your daughter." I smile brightly.

"Mhn?" He hums.  "And why should I let you see her?"


"Because I revived your wife, killed the queen of all grimm, and earlier today killed the twin gods who were going to probably kill all of humanity again?" I question with a deadpan expression.

"Is that a threat?" I hear the man question.

I give him a genuinely confused look. "Why the hell would I threaten you?"

He is abruptly shoved aside by a woman with silver eyes.

"It has been a while! I don't believe I have properly thanked the two of you!" She smiles brightly as she casts an absolutely scathing glare over her shoulder. "My husband is being foolish, idiotic and STUPID! Please, come in, come in."

She steps aside allowing us in.

"Oh, well thank you for your hospitality." I smile as Serafall and myself walk inside.

"Allow me to introduce you to Serafall Leviathan, the head of foreign affairs, she is also the person who removed those ten years of torture from your memories."

"I see." The black- but with red tips- haired woman quietly nods, a small frown on her face at being reminded about just where she was beforehand.

"it is wonderful to see you up and about!" Serafall beams.

"She is also the elder sibling to my Fiancée, Sona Sitri, the one whom I was planning on having your daughter join." I continue to explain as we walk to the living room.

I hear Taiyang's fists clench as Summer's frown intensifies, the huntress takes a deep breath, then exhales. "Is there any way we could change the uh... cost for returning me from the grimmlands?"

"Oh of course. I can just simply charge her underworld bank account, as she is currently she could certainly afford it, after all." I smile brightly as I take a seat on the couch. "Buuuut I don't think I'll be able to convince Sera-tan here from trying to Persuade Ruby to become a devil. But she won't be obligated to do it. It'll be her own choice at that point."

"Mhm." Serafall nods resolutely.

The older Rose's gaze softens slightly. "It... is honestly a little relieving for even that much."

"I'm not unreasonable." I shrug.

"Yet you brutally tortured that man on live television?" Taiyang suddenly questions with an expression that looks as if he just took a bite out of a lemon.

Summer smacks the back of his head loudly.

"Has Ruby tried to molest my girlfriend? No? Then I don't see the reason for me to be act in such a manner towards her. Don't act all fucking high and mighty Huntsman. We both know that you would act the exact same way I did if someone had tried to molest either of your daughters or your wife. You just don't like me because of what I am and what I represent, I am stronger than you, and you fear that. You fear that I could very well pillage and burn this world and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

He grits his teeth slightly, me pointing out his weaknesses seems to have put him severely on guard.

My displeased and annoyed frown falls into a saddened gaze towards the floor. "I understand your fear... I have felt it before in my own world... you see... originally, I was a weak devil, barely even holding strength around medium class. I will be the first to tell you that our world is by no means perfect. It may not have the creatures of grimm, yet that just merely allowed the numerous races to look to each other for wars... and as a result of those wars, I watched both of my parents die in front of me."

I watch Taiyang pause, eyes growing wide at the sheer bluntness of my final sentence.

"The Malthus and Decarabia devil clans have clan traits which can easily weigh the scale of victory towards whichever side they join. My mother, had tremendous power over words, she could rouse a crowd and instill emotions into sociopaths... and my father, a wonderful blacksmith who could create truly powerful enchantments with the greatest of ease... because of these two traits. My parents were assassinated before they could even choose a side in the brewing civil war that was about to transform the underworld... and I was able to do nothing but flee." I continue my words having the intended effect on the room as Taiyang's anger is wiped away, Summer covers her mouth with a single head and Serafall who is sat beside me gives me a small head pat with a saddened expression.

"That day... changed me. I was no longer the person I was... I came to the startling realization... in the underworld, only the strong have rights."

"G-Gai-tan, maybe that's a little-" Serafall tries to cut in.

"No. I'm right." I frown. "A devil lord could simply walk over and rape some lower class devil and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Any attempt at reaching out would merely make their lives harder. Nobody would believe them. It is frankly disgusting. It is why I didn't seek out any members of my peerage for the first long year after I got my evil pieces. Out of fear that they might have been taken from me. I wanted to cultivate my strength and allow it to grow."

I let out a quiet sigh. "But. Over time, I simply grew stronger. Up to the point where I am now. I understand why you may be distrustful of me, but I truly hope that eventually, you will come to abandon that mistrust. That a 'devil' isn't necessarily a bad person."

Taiyang lets out a single sigh grabbing his face with a single hand. He remains silent for a long while, before eventually voicing a singular thought. "Fuck."

Serafall sniffles slightly as she presses my head against her, petting the side of my head as she holds me close.

Summer looks horrified, and slightly guilty for some reason. Perhaps she thought I was truly evil, doing this merely for my own advantage?

Well, I mean, she's right, but I see no need to antagonize the family of what is going to be one of the greatest knights the underworld will ever see.


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