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Howdy! What are y’all’s takes on late night political comedians like Stephen Colbert and John Oliver?


I watched a recent talk by Hank Green where he said that while climate change will be terrible, and made worse by governments, total environmental collapse wouldn’t happen as so many scientists are working incredibly hard to stop it and reverse the damage. Do you have any hope for the future of humanity?


Mark normand potential past times guess? Or thoughts of him in general? Also for Gareth do you think giraffes/zebras have spotted/striped dicks?


Dave - what are the odds of an actual revolution in the US? Perhaps at the great panic time - will people try to fight the rich or not try at all? If we fight I doubt it would be a success but thoughts?


Dave, I think you first mentioned this in the live show about Justice McReynolds — at this point in time, from a realistic standpoint (ie. not just abolishing the whole fucking institution), should we try to get Grandpa Joe to pack the court? Can he just do that? He's not going to be remembered for anything else otherwise, and I just want to be dead when I think about the Supreme Court. I know that he's not going to do anything useful, but I guess I'm more just interested to hear your take on the Supreme Court. It's part of our history and governmental makeup that I have a lot of interest in because it is just so goddamn shity. Gareth, I'm just curious what your weed intake is like these days. I know that for a bit you were trying to take a break, but I'm not sure how long that was ongoing. Do you take breaks occasionally, just as a habit? Do you feel like using weed helps your comedy, or is it more so just something that you enjoy? Or both?


Will you guys ever have Robert Evans from BTB on your show again?

Meaghan Walker

How do you deal with the frustration of living in a capitalist hellscape you can’t fix?


Hey guys, thanks for answering all my questions especially about the engineering stuff a few months back. After listening to the right-wing coup in Minnesota, my question pertains to joining the IWW when ones professional trajectory typically gets them to levels of management? I end up getting several looks for managerial/leadership positions and promotions, but the IWW said that I would have to revoke my membership. I understand that management is not historically pro-labor and leftist, but it seems short-sighted to expel/reject someone who wants to make change and advocate for workers rights and better labor practices. To fight this oppression of capitalism, don't we need everyone to fight it from every role? I definitely understand that 99.9% of management is 100% on the side of the company, so I understand that including management in a labor union is a conflict of interest. I guess I just feel frustrated that it seems like I can either be a union member, but not head up major projects as my career starts up, especially with my ambition to use engineering to battle climate change. So I guess it's a two question post: if you think people who develop into leadership positions at work and simultaneously be a continuous member of a labor union, how could someone who is not eligible for a labor union in leadership positions be pro-labor, aside from the obvious of listening to labor, making working conditions good, balancing work-life for them, and overall not being a monumental piece of capitalist shit to a fellow human?


Have you seen the Bill Nye - Ken Ham debate on YouTube? Bill Nye is perfectly reasonable. Ken Ham’s side of the ‘debate’ is 😳🫣 wild. Also, Ken is from Australia. It could be an interesting Australia to US Dollop.


I have not. I’ll have to see if I can work up the mental fortitude to watch it later.


Here’s a link when/if you decide to watch it. https://youtu.be/z6kgvhG3AkI