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Life is ups and downs, that's for sure, but man, I wish there werent that many downs lately.

I didn't do that much progress this month, but here's what I've done. I really wanted to make a demo but things keep stacking.

Isabella&Arabella Chase.
As you may already know, from the lewd I made. I take advantage of making lewds to redo stuff and practice for the game. So I upgraded the design of Bella, making twins in the end because I couldn't decide for a color.

New wallcrawler code.
I remade the wall-crawling enemies code. They can now turn around in inner corners.

Tutorial scene ingame.
Yeah, the sexy tutorial scene is now ingame!

Implementing Perks.
This is the main reason I didn't release the new Demo yet. Trying to get perks ingame. Not that hard, but time consuming.

DMG Perk 2. Roll deals STR.
May not look that useful, or maybe it does. I think it's useful to deal some extra damage while dodging an attack, it also breaks breakables. (barrels, crates, etc.)

DEX Perk 1. Faster bow animations.
If you like playing bow, DEX is your stat to increase. Faster animation means more arrows in the enemy.

DEX Perks 2&3. 5% chance of not using ammo per LUK point.  And shooting 3 arrows.
I really had fun playtesting this ones, mixing DEX + LUK really gives you almost unlimited ammo.

Implementing Status icons.
This is what consumed most of the month. Having to check if an status is on the array, in what position, remove it, check for the next free slot to add a status, move all status to the left when one runs out. CRAZY.

New chest animation.
Zoria will now lean towards the chest content and look for stuff inside it while tossing away money! (That you'll have to pickup later, guess Zoria is not that organized.)

Test ingame.
Right now status stay visible because I didn't code them with the changing alpha. Do you think status should remain always visible so you know what status are active even when you're not in control?

Extra changes:
-Remade the Experience formula. (Was: 1000 per level.) Now being: (Level*500)+500
-To Level 2: 1000
-To Level 3: 1500
-To Level 4: 2000

PD:  I had a lot of fun playing with some of you guys at discord!
