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This is the main character for the 2000s era project S the bunny and I are cooking up! It's the same world that professor wolf and fox student are from.

Part parody of early 2000s furry web comics and part sincere coming-of-age comedy, Y2gay is the story of a colorful group of queer young adults at a mid-western university in the early 2000s as  experienced through Pete Campbell, a new transfer who's just discovered  his own queerness over the summer.

We have a bunch of fun characters I'm super excited to share as I finish their designs. It's gonna be a large and varied cast so something for everyone!

This is a large scale project that I'll be working on in the background so updates for it may be sparse at first since I have other projects I'm working on as well! (The Hookup is still happening!)




always good to make friends when you're in college


As I think I've said before, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. A good parody can be an excellent way remember what made the subject matter so appealing in the first place, rather like looking through one's old yearbooks.


he’s so cute omg