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The new clown-queen of crime enjoys some "marital bliss" with her hubby and former arch-nemesis The Joker in their family's new hideout. Her massive curves swallowing up her hubby as he knocks her up to grow their crime family.



Jadrien Ocasio

Joker and batsy making sweet love, loving batsy thick luscious curves


I just can't look away. Played too much Corruption of Champions and Trials In Tainted Space. A shred of Batman deep in that mind realizing he's forever stuck like this without reality warping, pregnant with the Joker's kid, and actively having sex with him? Bruce would beg every single telepath he knows to scrub this memory from his mind. Even then, there'd still be that part of him that would needle him anytime he faced the Joker again. Is this the last one or will anyone else from the bat family be joining Batman?


No plans at the moment, so this is it for now unless I get a commission for it.