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First part of a 4 part sequence that is a follow up to https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-winner-into-85312042

A month after Miles was transformed into to the evil THICC version of his mother Rio and trapped in a new universe, Miles' mind and personality has also completely transformed to fit his new body and reality, while retaining memories of the multiverse and her life as Miles. In this time Miles has learned to love her new life as a villainous MILF, wife to her former Uncle Aaron and going by Lady Prowler.

Suddenly, Gwen arrives into Miles' old room, having been desperately searching across the spider-verse for Miles. Unbeknownst to her, Miles/Rio is already expecting her, with plans to use her new powers to turn Gwen into her formidable and equally villainous n' thicc sister...

More to come soon!



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