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Ciao ragazzi, come va? Spero bene.

Mentre lavoro alla prossima versione del Super Multiverse Pack, mi vengono in mente varie idee per le versioni successive. Sto pensando di espandere i CaC in un modo mai visto, sistemando alcune cose che il gioco avrebbe dovuto fare già dall'inizio. Vorrei sapere il vostro parere su ogni aggiunta, in modo tale da dare le giuste priorità!

- Tutti i vestiti colorabili come aggiunta separata (potrete usare sia i vestiti non colorabili che colorabili)

- Orecchie a punta per Saiyan e Umani.

- Code animate per tutte le razze selezionabili come accessorio.

- Code animate per Saiyan e Umani selezionabili durante la creazione del personaggio. (Per fare ciò devo unire le code ad una parte del corpo poco importante ed ho scelto di usarle con i nasi che sono una scelta meno importante).

- Auree selezionabili tramite le Super Anime.

- Tutte le parrucche convertite in acconciature selezionabili nella creazione del personaggio.

Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate di tutte queste idee nei commenti!


Hi guys! How are you? I hope so.

As I work on the next version of the Super Multiverse Pack, various ideas come to mind for later versions. I am thinking of expanding the CaC in a way never seen before by fixing some things the game should have done from the start. I would like to know your opinion on each addition, so as to give the right priorities!

- All colorable clothes as a separate addition (you can use both non-colorable and colorable clothes)

- Pointed ears for Saiyans and Humans.

- Animated tails for all races selectable as an accessory.

- Animated tails for Saiyans and Humans selectable during character creation. (To do this I have to join the tails to an unimportant part of the body and I have chosen to use them with the noses which are a less important choice).

- Auras selectable via Super Souls.

- All wigs converted to selectable hairstyles in character creation.

Let me know what you think of all these ideas in the comments



I think they are all swell ideas, Feraz! I am all for it!


If I could give you one more idea, if I may... How about giving the option of giving the Female Human, Saiyan and Majin CaCs buff bodies? You know, like Kefla, or SSJ Kale, or even LEGENDARY SSJ Kale? Dunno why, but I think that'd be good, too... 🤔


i can't wait to see what you come up with honestly, as i was wanting to try out out the old pack but the latest update hit and i'm pretty sure it doesn't work on with the new dlc and stuff.


Awoken skill pack?