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One Piece 1090 Reaction UNCUT!

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David Ramirez

This episode confirming why Lilith is the best 🔥

Zar D. Goat

This is for kids Rebecca is and all the princesses are 16 cause it’s legal age in Japan if they were 18 it’s the same thing. It’s for kids to simp over not grown ass men. It’s plenty of 20+ year old woman in the series for that but in the end they’re intended to be legal not sexualize kids. Even this scene proved it more for me Bonney is acting like a child literally all of them are shirt off after the water even the fishman. Chopper and luffy more than anyone are the kids mentally of the crew and neither them gaf about Bonney and that’s intentional. Having an adult body isn’t a problem it’s using it like nami does sometimes(she’s grown and learned it from her mom) she’s literally just existing it shouldn’t matter if her chest was flat especially cause oda doesn’t draw flat chest for anyone it’s just his style. If it was more variation in the series and u cab actually say oda does it on purpose for these characters that’s one thing but it’s not the case.

Zar D. Goat

Definitely repeated a lot of what y’all said but I just want a difference from oda to toei cause the manga didn’t linger on her it was a just there and gone