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Gurren Lagann Episode 24 & 25 Reaction UNCUT!

Watch "Gurren Lagann Episode 24 & 25 Reaction UNCUT!" on Streamable.


John Endaya

Okay, at this point, I have the once again request that you guys watch at least the Final Battle movie version along with the ending! Some things will change, but I don't think you'll need to think too deeply about it! PLEASE do yourself and us a favour and add it to the end of the reaction! It's just that little bit extra that is totally worth viewing, and it'd be an absolute pleasure for you two to see.

Krim Uico

One more thing that'd be cool if they saw is parallel works 8. a version of it plays at the beginning of the first movie but since they're not watching that, I'd recommend they watch it standalone (it's up on youtube). At this point though they probably finished all their reactions though. RIP