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In this episode we vent hard about some of the feedback we received from our OPLA trailer reaction...

VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/BXLjI0N_HtA



Oda signing off on something doesn't make it good. Film Red isn't a 10/10 movie automatically, One Piece Odyssey isn't a 10/10 game automatically, OPLA isn't at 10/10 show automatically. One Piece is some people's religion, so anyone who doesn't kneel before all OP content is a heretic to them.


It's interesting to listen to this a week after the live action came out. Other prominent YouTubers like morj and mother's basement did really long reviews where they critiqued the live action a ton pointing out a lot of good stuff and a lot of bad stuff. It's natural to have mixed feelings about something since an adaption is never 100% what you think it should be. There's a ton of great stuff that the show runners did right but there are also a bunch of decisions that I wouldn't have done if I adapted it.