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New segment added to chapter 6 of Black Knight (Patreon chapters should come today/tomorrow)


Quest in Progress - 16:37:24 remains

Priestess, Looking for Party

Due to the poor decisions of my party members, I find myself without a party for just today. I am looking for a short-term party-membership for one day. I prefer to stay in the dungeon, but will also help fight wild monsters.

About me:

  • Priestess - Level {07}
  • Specialized in Healing and Status Purging
  • Experience up to floor four of the dungeon.
  • I still need to gather {05} [Red-Roots] for my class-quest and am willing to pay for priority.
  • Standard loot and drop conditions.

The priestess screams, her hands covering her head as she drops to the ground. A cloud of dirt flies out around her from the momentum of her fall; the disturbance is broken up only a second later as half of a torso flies over her head and lands behind her. With terrified eyes, she looks at the mangled body, belonging to a hobgoblin that is still very much not dead.

– She continues to scream as the upper half of a torso reaches up to grab her, its entrails hanging out behind it, dragging stones along as it moves.

A second later, a spear sticks through the hobgoblin’s skull from above, cracking its neck as the blade pushes through its temples and pins it to the ground.

“THIS ISN’T WHAT I HAD IN MIND!” yells the horrified priestess, looking up at the soldier in plate armor standing next to her. The man looks down her way, twisting his wrist. The goblin's skull and neck crack as he pulls the spear free from the fresh corpse. The sounds of fighting come out of the room as she turns her head, looking at the other three soldiers, who are carrying on with exactly the same level of grim determination in their fight.

After her party-members got their butts kicked in a fight at the guild last night, they were out of action today. So she, still needing to make a living, decided to find a replacement party for the day. This isn’t too unusual and is standard adventuring fare. While most people have a core group of people they like to stay with, it’s common, given the level of injuries and illnesses in this line of work, to have to do part-time work in other parties now and then.

Usually, this is simple enough. Just ask around outside the dungeon or put up a ‘I’m looking for a group’ note at the guild like everyone else does.

So she was pleasantly surprised when she not only found a full party that needed a healer, but one that took her note down from the board before she even left the building.

– Her eyes twitch as the team of professional soldiers that belong to Sir Knight, who she is still sure is a demonic monstrosity, and his master regroup as the hobgoblins start to respawn again. Don’t they ever need a break?

The one next to her helps her up, and she takes his hand, crying and covered in gore, both being very normal and socially acceptable, as she rises to her feet.

The soldier points to the side, to a crimson flower growing out of a wall. Her face lights up as she sees it, losing a hint of the terror it carries. A red-root! She needs to collect five more of these in order to finally finish this quest she’s been holding onto for weeks now. They only grow down a little deeper in the dungeon, though, and her usual party is insistent on always just farming the first floors instead of going down deeper.

Beaming, she begins to move towards it.

– A mangled hobgoblin with missing arms crashes against the wall, crushing the flower.

Her twitching smile remains in place as it slides down to the floor in a bloody mess, writhing and screaming until a spear flies from across the room, straight into its skull.

“...This isn’t what I had in mind…” she says quietly, turning her head back to the soldier who was standing behind her.

The man in armor, like all of them, says absolutely nothing. Instead, he bends down and digs through the first corpse, pulling out a small flower from its pockets and holding it out to her.

“Thank you,” she says as she takes it. The soldier salutes, and she stands there, looking at the flower in her hands, covered from leaf to stem in black blood that runs down her hands.

Well… at least she’s getting a lot of experience-points.

The priestess turns her head, looking over at the other corpse. She wonders why these guys are so intense. They can’t need hobgoblin parts that badly at their level, can they?

What level are they, anyway?

She watches as the five of them all skewer the same hobgoblin at once from different angles, pushing their spears up into the air at the same time and holding the screaming monster aloft like a grim banner of war, a quiet, nervous laughter being the only sound to come from her side of the room.

– Another flower falls from the screaming goblin’s pockets.


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