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In the somber embrace of twilight's gentle caress, a solitary figure labors in the dimly-lit workshop; a delicate, lithe creature with iridescent wings, who plies her ethereal trade with fervor and finesse. Behold, the enigmatic Mirabelle, a fairy shoemaker whose nimble fingers and nimble mind are ever occupied by the weaving of dreams and the molding of reality into the soft, comfortable fabric of house shoes that had been stored in the shoemaker’s workshop — another repair order. These, different from those boots from last night, are made fully of fabric. In fact, this is the first pair of fully fabric shoes she’s ever worked on before.

Thankfully, given her practice with the leather boots and shoes, her spying on the seamstress, and her own practicing in the art of working fabric, she has a vague idea of what to do.

Mirabelle is finding that a big part of working with your hands on such projects is just sort of making it up as you go along, using vague concepts and ideas you’ve picked up along the way. Shoes are interesting because, while they may seem the same to an untrained eye, having the same components by large in general, they are actually all very unique.

Each pair is a different size, of a different make and material. The shape and requirements are different. The maker of the shoes will have used different techniques and practices to make said pair, causing them to be different from shoes of a similar design from another manufacturer. In this way, a simple pair of fabric shoes like this can come in dozens of different forms of construction, with unique threading and welts. Each job, while similar, is very individual. 

A phantasmal glow emanates from the sinuous tendrils of moonlight that slither through the cracks in the ancient, gnarled wooden shutters, as if the celestial stars themselves were seeking to steal a glimpse of Mirabelle's craft. The workshop, slowly fading into a mausoleum of memories and a reliquary of lost secrets, is saturated with the thick, palpable scent of leather, and the air is heavy with the weight of a thousand stories whispered by the ghosts of an artisan now past.

In the hallowed heart of this sanctum, Mirabelle's slender fingers flutter and dance like fireflies on a summer's eve as she weaves her enchantments into the very essence of the fabric she molds. The deep, velvety blues of the midnight sky meld with the tender, pastel hues of the first light of dawn, swirling together in a mesmeric tapestry of color and emotion, imbued with the power to envelop the weary soles of those who will one day don these creations in warmth, comfort, and solace.

The minuscule workshop, a mere speck in the vast, sprawling labyrinth of the universe, becomes a microcosm of emotion, each thread and fiber humming with the resonance of the collective human experience. Mirabelle's hands, deft and sure, navigate the labyrinthine pathways of the fabric as if guided by an unseen force; a deep, primal connection binds her to the very fabric of creation itself. As she works, her shimmering wings quiver with barely-contained emotion, a testament to the passion that drives her, an undying, insatiable flame that fuels her every movement and her every breath. The walls of the workshop seem to close in around her, as if the very air were awash with a kaleidoscope of raw emotions, the intensity of which threatens to consume her entirely.

And yet, amid the cacophony of emotion and sensation, there exists a serene, transcendent stillness, a hallowed moment in time that suspends the chaos of the world beyond the workshop's timeworn walls. It is in this moment, this ephemeral instant, that Mirabelle's artistry reaches its zenith, the crescendo of her craft culminating in a single, perfect pair of house shoes, wrought from the very essence of the world's beauty and sorrow.

She’s lost to the sensation of ‘flow’, having fully begun drowning in her work in a very positive sense.

Before all of this started, she didn’t really get the human-people and their ways. But now she thinks that she’s starting to understand. There’s something to this process, the act of creation, that is… magical.

It is in these fleeting moments, when the boundaries of reality and fantasy blur and meld, that Mirabelle, the fairy shoemaker, feels the most alive, her heart swelling with the intoxicating headiness of creation, her spirit soaring upon the wings of her own indomitable, boundless imagination.

Then, there is a suddenly very discordant note in her masterpiece, a tear upon the tongue of the fabric shoe, revealing itself to Mirabelle, as if the very universe sought to challenge her unwavering devotion to her craft. And so, her heart aflutter with a torrent of raw, unbridled emotion, she rises to the occasion, her indomitable spirit undaunted by the seemingly insurmountable task that lies before her.

Armed with a human-sized needle, a veritable Titan's spear in her diminutive hands, Mirabelle prepares to confront the imperfection, to mend the rift that mars the beauty of her creation. The needle, an imposing, elongated sliver of gleaming silver, seems to possess a life of its own, shimmering with the energy of the ages, a testament to the myriad hands that have wielded it throughout the annals of time. The delicate fairy deftly twirls the colossal implement in her agile fingers, the sheer scale of the task set before her only serving to ignite the flames of her passion further. With a thread of the deepest, most resplendent midnight blue, plucked from the very tapestry of the cosmos, Mirabelle faces the daunting task with the poise and grace of a seasoned warrior entering the fray.

Obviously, she is feeling rather dramatic tonight. However, she’s moondrunk on the glow of the heavenly lights above and lost in her work and simply finds joy in having lost herself to this overpowering sensation. There’s a deep romanticism to it, the work and herself, that she greatly enjoys right now. It’s very strange to explain, but thankfully, she has nobody to explain it to.

She threads the gargantuan needle with the precision of a master archer, her movements fluid and sure, as if guided by some ancient, otherworldly wisdom. With a sense of reverence, a hushed silence descends upon the workshop, the very air pregnant with anticipation, as if the universe itself were holding its breath, waiting to bear witness to the unfolding miracle.

With a single, fluid motion, Mirabelle plunges the needle into the fabric, the two seemingly disparate entities merging together in an intimate dance, a ballet of silver and midnight blue, a melding of metal and cloth. Her fingers weave and twirl, guiding the needle and thread through the labyrinthine pathways of the torn fabric, the delicate strands seeking to mend the wound and heal the fracture that marred the shoe's perfection. The needle moves in harmony with her whims, an extension of her very being, as the thread weaves a tale of redemption and reconciliation, the sundered edges of the fabric embracing one another once more. The sinuous dance of silver and cloth crescendos, a symphony of motion and emotion, culminating in the final, breathtaking instant where the needle emerges, triumphant, from the last stitch.

In the wake of this monumental feat, the torn tongue of the fabric shoe is no more; the once-raw and ragged edges are now seamlessly united, as if the rift had never existed. And in that moment, Mirabelle's heart swells with pride and triumph, the satisfaction of a master artisan who has conquered the insurmountable, restoring beauty and harmony to her creation, as the workshop bears witness to the indomitable spirit of the fairy shoemaker.

Mirabelle, a gentle smile gracing her delicate features, nods in contentment as she beholds the seamless harmony of the mended shoe. But her satisfaction is tinged with the knowledge that her task remains incomplete, for the second shoe of the pair beckons, its broken cork sole a testament to the capricious nature of fate and the unyielding march of time.

Her heart, a wellspring of unending determination, Mirabelle approaches the wounded shoe with the same unwavering commitment that she had lavished upon its partner. The cork sole, a fragile, porous expanse of earthy material, lies in fragmented disarray, a once-solid foundation now shattered and rent asunder, as if struck by some divine bolt from the heavens.

Drawing upon the vast reservoir of her arcane knowledge and the boundless depths of her creative spirit, which is the sum total of about… one month's worth of actual work experience, Mirabelle sets to work, her slender fingers fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird as she plies her trade. With a combination of tender care and steely resolve, she gathers the fragmented pieces of the cork sole, cradling them as one might cradle a wounded creature, seeking to restore the balance that has been disrupted. As she works, the air within the workshop seems to thrum with a palpable energy, as if the very universe were bending to the indomitable will of the fairy shoemaker. The fragments of cork, once scattered and disparate, are drawn together by some unseen force, a cosmic magnetism that seeks to reunite them and heal the sundered foundation upon which the shoe's very essence rests.

Her eyes ablaze with the fire of creation, Mirabelle weaves a spell of unity and restoration, her nimble fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air as she binds the fragmented pieces of the cork sole with an ethereal, silken thread of shimmering, moonlit silver. The thread, a tangible manifestation of her unwavering determination and boundless love for her craft, spirals and dances, encircling the cork fragments in a cocoon of light and hope.

— Again. Very dramatic. But that’s just what tonight is. The air is right, the light is strong, and the feelings within her are just the same. Sometimes a little drama is good. She thinks that she’s picked that note up from Grace, who seems to live on the edge of true dramatics day in and day out. While she isn’t exactly sure if it’s working for the man, it does seem like fun. Actually, it is fun. She’s enjoying tonight a lot, even if she does feel a little delusional right now.

The once-fractured sole begins to take shape once more, as if guided by the unseen hand of destiny itself. The jagged, discordant edges meld and merge as the silken thread of silver moonlight sews the very essence of creation back into the wounded cork. Before Mirabelle's very eyes, the sole is reborn, the shattered fragments now whole, the once-ruptured foundation now steadfast and true.

With a sense of quiet satisfaction, Mirabelle steps back to survey her handiwork, the once-broken pair of house shoes now a testament to the power of perseverance and the indomitable spirit of creation. In the dim, ethereal light of her enchanted workshop, the fairy shoemaker's labor of love is complete, the shoes standing as a symbol of her unwavering devotion to her craft and the boundless beauty that can be wrought by the skillful hands of a true artisan.

— Or by the hands of a simple shoemaking fairy, of which there is, at the very least, one in the world.

Her wings buzz in excitement.

- (Normal)[Simple Fabric Shoes]{Size: (Small)} -

 A pair of soft fabric shoes with a colorful, floral pattern. They are well worn and well maintained. The material is softer and somewhat worn through, but promises to hold strong for many years still.

- Components -

  • (Normal)[Fabric Shell]
  • (Normal)[Fabric Half Tongue]
  • (Normal)[Leather Full Bellows Tongue]
  • (Normal)[Cork Sole]
Weight: 0.83 kg
Durability: 30/30
Value: 100 Obols


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