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I am peaceful.




You bask in the light of the sun

+ 1 EXP

EXP: 103/310

EXP (Burch): 113/160



Wind blows across the rocky landscape, towards which we have diverged, leaving the road of days before far in our past, leaving the waterfall of days before far in our past.

I am serene.

- Leaving the field of red, stained with the blood of the hobgoblins far in our past.

Burch climbs, doing her best to navigate over and through the field, which is comprised entirely out of large rocks and stones, each the size of a boat, each the size of a house.

‘Arrows’, not long stingers, fly through the air, whistling like the screech of a diving bird of prey, as they make their way towards our backs.

I am whole.

Burch jumps down, quickly hiding behind a stone just in time as the volley of arrows, shot by the band of our pursuers, strike, clattering all around us, dashing themselves to death on the limestone rocks of the karst.

She catches her breath and then spins around as footsteps approach us from above.



(Burch) used: [Minor Pulse]



A body flies, a hobgoblin losing its footing and crashing down to the sharp stones below, breaks many bones, but does not die.

It screams a horrible scream and we continue to run.

I am powerful.

The sun shines brightly above our heads, setting the sweat on Burch’s skin aglow with the loving ruby light of a brand new day, full of potential, full of possibilities.




You bask in the light of the sun

+ 1 EXP

EXP: 104/310

EXP (Burch): 114/160

SOUL (Burch): +1 

SOUL: 17/21



- I affirm that I am all of these things.

Spreading my petals out wide, I keep my balance on Burch’s back as we run, lifting my head somewhat indifferently towards the sun.

What a good day.

Snarls come from behind us, as the creatures, who I have identified as ‘hobgoblins’, continue their hunt. It seems that they are indeed not birds.

Very interesting.

I had never known that such a thing as a hobgoblin could exist. But here they are.

- What a world.

More whistling, more arrows come, tipped with a deadly poison, careening towards us, intent to bring us to death.

This is the best.


Tell me, Burch; why is it that the hobgoblins pursue you?

Do they not want you to seek paradise?

Is such a thing forbidden by the ethos of their clan and breed?

Or is it now just a matter of principle?

- We have hurt and killed many of their kind. Perhaps this is really just about revenge at this point.

Though, it does confuse me. Is revenge so enticing a thing, that one would travel the world with their kin and their weapons in pursuit of one individual?

It seems very stressful.

Why do the hobgoblins not simply sit down in the light of the sun and relax a little?

I feel that would be best.

- Or maybe there is another reason entirely?

I can not say. I am a sunflower.




You bask in the light of the sun

+ 1 EXP

EXP: 106/310

EXP (Burch): 116/160

SOUL (Burch): +1 

SOUL: 18/21



Oh well.

It’s thrilling, being hunted.

Only those who are alive can know the surge of adrenaline, the pumping of the heart, the thrashing of the limbs.

Is there any more powerful feeling than fear?


- Life is amazing.

Burch and I reach the end of the rocky place, an escarpment, a downhill rolling layer of grass leads towards our escape.

The hobgoblins are fast hunters, but my friend is faster still. She is a fast monster, perhaps the fastest of them all?

I can not say.

I have never seen another monster like her before.

- Save for those of her ilk. But they seldom run like she runs. She hides and runs from them a lot.

I wonder. What are you, Burch?

What are you, that not just the hobgoblins, but also that the people of your own blood and flesh fear you?

How perplexing.

We slide down the hill, making our escape into a forest, losing the hobgoblins who hound us once again.


It rains.

Not much, it’s not like the last time it had rained, when we hid in the rocks, when a strong, powerful storm came to rush over the world.

No. This is just a drizzle.

It is calm.

It is warm.

I never knew that rain could be so relaxing.

The sun still shines, pressing through the soft, light clouds of gray and I absorb both the light of its grace, as well as the droplets of the rain, both washing down my body, as well as Burch’s.




You bask in the light of the sun

+ 1 EXP

EXP: 108/310

EXP (Burch): 118/160

SOUL (Burch): +1 

SOUL: 19/21



The rain, the sun, they nourish us with energy and with water, both precious for life.

Our escape, daring, nourishes us with thrill and with danger, both precious for the spirit.

Running out of breath, Burch finally stops, and leans against a tree.

We sit down and rest and we enjoy the sensations of both wet and warmth that this most curious day brings us.

I never knew that perception could be so complex.


“Hey,” says Burch, breaking the silence that has held between us for days.

I have missed her voice.

“- Thanks for being my friend,” she says. “Even after I ripped you out of that field.”

It was a meadow, not a field, Burch.

But I appreciate the sentiment.

While I am unable to speak, I instead display my reciprocation of her feelings by pressing my roots, dug in through her back muscles, towards her striking and beating heart, so that I might grasp it, so that I might tenderly touch it, so that I might drink of her rich, dark heart-blood and so that she might receive my most precious and valuable sugars and minerals.

- Is this true friendship?

I think so.

Perhaps I was mistaken once again.

Could something as malevolent and wicked as a monster offer such warmth and grace and companionship?

I do not know any monsters, but I feel as if the answer to this is ‘no’.

Perhaps this means that my friend, Burch, is not a monster at all.

What a fool I have been.

We keep walking, moving closer and closer towards paradise by the day.

- But then what else is she?

I wish I could ask her, but I have no mouth to speak with.

Ah, how curious.

I realize that I care about this.

I realize that I am not indifferent.

This is most unusual for a sunflower.

I realize that I care about Burch, perhaps more than I do for the idea and the place of paradise.

So, I suppose it matters not if she is a flower, or a fish, or a bird, or a monster, or a fox, or whatever else exists in the world, together with us both.

What matters is that she is my friend.

- And this is a very unusual thing for a sunflower to think, no?

It is perhaps most unnatural, even.

I have lived. I have felt. I have traveled and seen and experienced things most wondrous and fantastic and amazing. Yet none of these memories compare to the sensation of not being alone in this moment right now.

Oh well.

It doesn’t matter.

I suppose that my thoughts tend to wander to odd places sometimes.

I wonder… if they wander long enough, will they find paradise too?

I can not say.

I am a sunflower.



Death comes for us all, eventually.

Perhaps this is frightening for some.

But I do not fear death.

- If anything, I find it… saddening.

After all, it is an experience in and of itself, which will be most thrilling. But will I long for the experiences of this world that I have yet to have?

Burch presses the ‘knife’ into the heart of the hobgoblin, pressing it against a tree. It squirms and kicks and howls, but Burch presses the knife deeper and deeper and the deeper it goes, the deeper the shade of red that flows from the body, painting us both.

Will I long for the shores I have yet to see? For the sunrises I have yet to feel? For the sensations of wind and distant places and strange feelings that I can not identify, for my lack of having ever experienced them before?

- Perhaps.

I fear, if anything at all, that I will miss so much that I have yet to see.

That is the only thing that bothers me about death.

However, perhaps, if I am lucky, I and my friend will be able to die together?

That would be nice.

The hobgoblin falls silent as the last beat of its heart ripples through the dagger, up her arm and into my stem, shaking me a quiver.

It falls limp and Burch pulls the dagger out of its breast, sighing in relief as the last hobgoblin of this pursuing band falls dead at our feet, another five lay strewn around us, broken, cut, consumed.

But despite all of the death and coming decay that surrounds us, that we leave in our wake, my dearest friend seems more alive than ever.

Her eyes are aglow with a shine akin to the most radiant morning sunlight and she bounces around like a playful rabbit, letting out the oddest, most excitable sounds that I happen to find unusually endearing.

I am glad that she is glad.

Though I do not quite understand why.




+ 48 EXP

EXP: 156/310

EXP (Burch): 160/160




Congratulations, Burch! You are now level {5}!

+1 Ability points [4]

You may now choose a class.

Upon choosing a class, you will be able to select +1 additional ability.

 HP: 27/27 ↗↗

SOUL: 23/23 ↗

- [Stats] -

  • STR: 07 ↗↗
  • DEX: 12 ↗↗
  • WIS: 06 ↗
  • INT: 06 ↗
  • LUK: 09 
  • LOV: 05 ↗↗



Oh well.

She is happy and it is good.

Life is good.



There's a bug in the system. The fourth time they gain exp, there is no increment on the word-wood.


!Very important question! When will flowy be able to launch a death ray from its disk flowers?


It seems like the obvious thing to happen, doesn't it? I'd lie if I say I haven't thought about it myself already x)


Its seem litel odd that MC isn't using "sunkiss" eny more. Make it look like it was plot stool used ones and forgoted.


Thanks for the feedback! You're right, actually. This is something I noticed too later and it gets used more then again. I'm still in the process of editing, so it will come back more often in these earlier chapters =)


Is it just me or is XP missing ? Like she had 89 at the end of the previous chapter, but she has 57 at the beginning of this one ?


So just to point out some things. One, why is this socially shunned girl, trekking through a forest area, whit wheel brown in the first place? If it gets stuck so easily? why hi pick up a sunflower in the first place? What is she cone to whit it later? What is her motivation? Then the camping and the night?  How she gather the firewood and start the fire if she has no stools? Clint? Axe? Knife? Why dint she never tuck any clothes? for cover in night times cold? Fire can farm only so much agest cold ground. Why is there no scenes of them in the night? Atack? MC using his roots to monitor the happenings? or  Busch trying to communicate to MC or use him to get by? i get he is sunflower and all, but they're not usually pop screens or sentient.  And lastly, if our MC gets his first lvl as he awakened about month an ago, then why does he out lvls Burch so heavily when then girls should have around at least 14-16 years? 


Thanks for reading! =) There's a lot to get into here, I can't answer everything, as some questions are plot-relevant and will be revealed by the end (32). The forest there has a dirt path, which is what they continue to go down until the cart breaks in chapter 2. Stuff like the fire, we don’t have a clear vision to, as we see from the sunflower’s perspective and it just doesn’t understand stuff like flint and tinder. But that’s a good idea. I’ll add a scene of it watching her make a fire! Burch doesn’t have any extra clothes apart from what she’s wearing. The cart was in and of itself was all that she had to hold onto. Sunflower outlevels Burch because he gets passive EXP from [Bask], which Burch only gets a taste of later. But she slowly catches up to Sunflower as the story goes on. As for current levels. Honestly, when the story started, I just put them at 0, but I didn’t think about prior life. Good point. I’ll make a note to fix that too. Thanks for the feedback! <3


happy to be of help. now just be precise when I was writing clouts I was thinking time MC uses his roots to suck that one man's blood away and the time Purch found the backpack at thous time looking out for some extra clouts to stay more comfortable up for night seems reasonable. and I only point out roots skill because that seems a good way for MC to be active and have some impact on the world around him. some interactives. all that is to say that before scenes of that protective cave and sea/lake story did seem a bit repetitive from time to time.  oh and about camping there are ways to make your sleeping spot more bearable even whit our camping equipment like removing stones and branches. or making beads form branches alongside lead on, a thought that would recruit a bringing in of some sort cutting stool, preferably an axe. ps. this was the kind of clothing that came to mind when i was thinking about pummeling up for the night. BEST Cloak for a Medieval Adventurer - YouTube and here channel of outdoors persons doing some camping  Survival Lilly - YouTube    she has some staring of fire videos. plus lot of climent specifts campign stuff.