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"The electronic sound was deafening in the confined space as the guy opened fire. He went down the line, rapidly, before anyone had a chance to duck. Joe, behind Tom, got missed and fell in the corner. From there, he saw it all. The guys, his teammates, were just standing there. But they were different. They were standing stock-still, some of them with their arms raised up to ward off the shots, and their skin was paler. The guy with the gun was occupied at the far end of the showers; he hadn't seen Joe yet. Joe crouched behind Tom's legs. They weren't flesh and bone anymore. They were perfectly lifelike; every detail, every crease and pore and hair in the skin. But pale as marble. Joe reached out and touched Tom's leg. Hard. Cool. Smooth as marble. Joe looked up. Tom stood like those statues he saw once in a museum. Every muscle defined. Every limb perfect. But not flesh. Not human. Statue. The guy was moving closer, coming down the line inspecting his work. There was no way he could miss Joe, and no way Joe could pretend to be stone..."



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