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Been working on adding story and more "boring" background stuff. Specifically, I was working on a dialogue_editor to help accelerate creating new out-of-combat dialogues because the previous method of doing it via json is very time consuming and error-prone. 

The dialogue_editor is done (for now) and one of the things I added is a character-creation at the start of the game. I want to give players the option to start off as either male character or female character plus some choices on their starting stats:

(You wouldn't see the editor stuff when running the game, obviously)

The dialogue_editor took some time to do, but I believe it is worth it in the long run. If you really think about it, the only absolute core feature HRII is missing are more "story" stuff and progression. The rest, nice are they are, are things that makes the game better, but it's possible to do without.

That being said, I'll try to implement as much feedback and suggestions into the game as I can, but I do want to shift my focus to brawler mode and beyond starting from next year.





joseph clow

i am just starting to try to make a icon that when you click it it startes the gane one is needed for hr2 game